Ask your oncologist about Decipher test. It uses the same biopsies (if qualify) to determine a more precise of your risk. This will help you and your oncologist a more precise options for treatments.
Example: My Gleason was 3+4=7 and intermediate risk. Oncologist recommendation was radiation and hormone treatment but wanted to do a Decipher test. It was done and came back low risk not intermediate risk. This changed my treatment recommendations (from two different medical facilities consultatsions) to just radiation.
I chose proton radiation low dose 30 rounds done at UFHPTI. I had mild side affects that slowly went away after treatments ended and I am back to normal 1.5 years from treatments.
Outcome. I was at 3.75 PSA when had treatments. Had gone up every 3 months for about 3 years from .75 to 3.75. My PSA is now .22 as of December 2024. My R/O goal was to have it below 1. So the outcome for me is positive results from the treatment. I have PSA done every 3 months and meet with R/O every six months. I see my PCP every 3 months.
Please consider the Decipher. It really changed me treatment options. Also if you have any doubt of your diagnosis or treatment get a second opinion.
I did not see you had the PSMA test done. I am not famiiar with the tests you mentioned using CT scans. The tests done on my at Mayo Jacksonville and UFHPTI were: MRI with contrast, Biopsies using MRI/Fusion, bone scan, Decipher, PSMA.
Thank you.
I will ask if Decipher test is done in Ontario.
(It seems to me that different jurisdictions have different tests, and different hospitals provide different treatments, e.g., one may do open surgery, one will do radiation, another will do robot-assisted prostatectomy.)
My urologist referred me to a hospital that does robot-assisted. But I will see what the oncologist says.