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Why don’t anxiety meds work for me?

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: 2 days ago | Replies (172)

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I understand how awful it is I really do. I suffer through each day. I'm holding at .5mg 2X per day 12 hours apart of Clonezepam to see if I can get to a place in my condition where I may start tapering off very slowly over a period of a long time as it is supposed to be done to possibly avoid or reduce protracted withdrawal symptoms but no guarantees. The protracted withdrawal from what I have investigated is horrible and almost unbearable with different symptoms arising and new ones never having appeared back and forth over usually years. It's scares me to death but as things are my provider still prescribed it to me in hopes of doing a slow long taper. Abrupt changes or inconsistent use of any Benzodiazepines is not good at all please be careful. I understand exactly what you mean by what happened last night. I've done it many times. Going back on your Venlaxafine so abruptly might also be risky please discuss this with your provider. Did you taper off the Venlaxafine a while ago and were you doing okay off of it? And the Ativan did you use it regularly for a long time and then stop? Please be careful and try in any way possible to get moments to try to calm yourself down. I know it's easier said than done when the chemical imbalances rage through are nervous system. Always praying for us🙏

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To @rick98
How could I have been so stupid as to pick the Venlafaxine to discontinue knowing I needed to be on it for life. I have made so many poor decisions but this is the worst. My husband is doing the laundry right now. He has a hard time getting up and down due to his Parkinson’s. He made me something to eat earlier but I didn’t want it. I took all my prescription pills with a protein drink and finally ate the egg and toast he cooked. I know I have to eat but nothing is appealing or tastes good. It’s hard forcing yourself to eat. I used to enjoy cooking and baking but I can’t do anything now. I guess I won’t be doing my walk around the neighborhood today. I look forward to reading your replies to me and everyone else. I don’t feel so alone.