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@heyjoe415 sleeping with a pillow between my knees has been important since I had my hips replaced 12 years ago. I actually have been known to have two so I don’t have to struggle so much when I turn from side to side there’s one waiting for me, L O L.! I also sleep with my soft neck brace because I just can’t keep a good posture after cervical spine surgery, either!

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Replies to "@heyjoe415 sleeping with a pillow between my knees has been important since I had my hips..."

Just my opinion, a lot of people seem to take their cervical spine for granted until there is a problem.

Overall, we sit too much and hunch over too much. Just not good, certainly not for our collective spine.

I have a pillow that helps to support my cervical spine. Along with a firm pillow between my knees, this makes for a good night's sleep.