Does anyone recognize these symptoms?

Posted by martinleah @martinleah, 11 hours ago

Hello I am a 30 year old female. I have been chasing down a chronic illness for 6 years, acutely for 2. I will have periods of intense flare ups where I will be symptomatic for a week or so straight and then periods of time where I will be relatively normal.
Symptoms are:
Nausea, tingling in hands/legs and/face, Occasional loss of use of hands and face, low BP, high BP, high heart rate that will wake me up at night, pounding heart rate I can visibly see in my abdomen, bloating, constipation, inability to eat, confusion about where I am, stomach cramps and grumbling, violent chills even when warm. At its worse I lose consciousness for a couple seconds. I have passed out a couple times.

I have been to my gp who did blood work, a cardiologist that did a full body vascular ultrasound and heart ct and heart monitor for a month, an immunologist who ran blood work to check hormones and autoimmune diseases, a neurologist who did a brain MRI and EEG, a gi specialist who has done an upper GI scope and an abdominal CT and colonoscopy and feces culture. The doctors except my gi doctor said nothing is wrong with me and told me to stop coming. I have no idea where to turn next. Does anyone have similar symptoms?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

Have you seen a rheumatologist? That would be my next stop start checking for autoimmune.


Have you considered being evaluated by a functional medicine doctor?


Hi @martinleah, I would like to add my welcome along with @mrsr1234, @celia16 and others. Not sure if you have tried the Mayo Clinic symptom checker but thought it might be worth looking at for some clues as to what may be going on -

Some of your symptoms seem similar to autonomic neuropathy. Here's some information from Mayo Clinic -

It sound's like you've seen a lot of specialists without much success in finding a diagnosis. Have you thought about seeking help at a teaching hospital or major health facility?


Find another doctor. Who does that!!!??!?! Have you had nerve pot muscles biopsy, evaluation CIDP or AIDP? Lumbar puncture? Don't get frustrated Advocate for yourself. Be encouraged. Autoimmune issues take a lot of research and testing, history and patience. Some of us don't get a differential diagnosis but able to treat and get handle on our symptoms.


Since no physical testing seems to turn up any problems, I would check with a psychiatrist to see if something is playing with my mind.


The Autonomic nerve controls all the things that you do without thinking to do. More exactly they transmit the message to and from the brain to the respective muscles to do as instructed. Peripheral neuropathy is the touch and skin. Autonomic polyneuroathy is all the nerves. When the nerve endings have a problem the brain is unaware and can respond with incorrect signals ordering up a reactive responce, or it can happen getting through the the particular muscle to react. It can be difficult to diagnose and take some time until someone with prior knowledge gets involved. A lot of it comes under the title of Dysautonomia which is to do with the nerves. Check out Dysautonomia
There are many causes of your symptoms so all that can be done is to keep pushing for an answer with the elimination process. Mine took 13 years of negative results and many missdiagnosis.
The autonomic nerve plays havoc with my blood pressure, has totally corrupted my digestive system and can cause all the symptoms of a heart attack. Your heart beat is controlled through the autonomic nerve as is the ability to regulate body temerature.
Most of us get told we have a psychological problem because they can't find anything. Unfortunately Dr's generally all go for the simplest and forget we are not all the same. Medicine is not an exact science.
Eyes that don't react fast enough to changing light, unsteady walking, light headedness, vertigo, BP change when standing, slow reaction to fight or flight are some of the indicators of Autonomic neuropathy. Automatic neuropathy can be caused from heredity, serious disease, sustained high blood pressure, diabetes or naturally. I understand that Long Covid can also leave you with nerve damage (serious disease). I would be asking my Dr to check these things as most Dr's don't think about doing so.
Fingers crossed you are cleared of it.


Here is a better explanation of Dysautonomia.
But don't get alarmed as until you have a diagnosis it is all guess work and many other issues can also cause the symptoms.
I have Autonomic polyneuropathy which as luck has it, covers all the nerves. With multiple health issues knowing what is responsible for each symptom is the question I have. Can it be treated or is it the incurable and untreatable nerve condition I fight, the mind boggles and answers are few and far between.

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