Yes, I mostly agree with you on those points. All the instructions on taking prednisone say to get to the "minimum effective dose", so that was my earlier goal. It seems to be a thing. But then as someone said earlier, it's a moving target. And PMR patients are pushed to keep reducing prednisone and get off it, so the minimum effective dose goes out the window anyway. We'll get pushed to reduce till we have a flare, then someone will suggest we add more drugs with more side effects. No fair!
My minimum effective dose last year was 7mg before the flare at 6.5mg. Since the dose rise to control the flare, so far this reduction attempt, the minimum effective dose is 5.5mg with no problems at all. I suspect my PMR may have run its course and hopefully I can keep going lower, slowly to both avoid waking up the PMR, and to wake up my adrenal glands.
I've done a few things differently this time and have no idea if any of them have helped, but I suspect the PMR may be winding down because the inflammation has been controlled by prednisolone for a good while now. I'm not stressing as much about it all now either, just keeping busy and doing things day by day.
You have got this ... you can do it!
I truly can empathize with you. I just "encourage"people to take less prednisone if they can. Other people encourage you to take more Prednisone for niggles of pain ... whatever that means.
It is impossible to know what to do most of the time. I just know that I didn't ever need any encouragement to take more Prednisone. I was very good with that part of it.
That 7 mg level is a tough one. You might need to flip the narrative. Nobody will say take less than the minimum effective dose if you expect your adrenals to recover.
I was told 3 mg was the "minimum safe dose" I should take when I reached that level. That was what my endocrinologist said to do with precautions in place. The main precaution was to take more Prednisone for "any reason if I felt the need" but check with my endocrinologist first.🤔