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Replies to "@suesam I sure understand why you are nervous. You are having this biopsy to rule out..."
Gynecologic Cancers | Last Active: 3 hours ago | Replies (40)
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Replies to "@suesam I sure understand why you are nervous. You are having this biopsy to rule out..."
I think the irony of the situation is that our friends and family need us to project positivity and being strong to make them feel better, but sometimes all we need is somebody to whom
we can just admit how scared we really are. It can be exhausting.
Awwwww.... Helen, and I thank you for listening. You're right - the best and most loving thing we can do for one another is listening. Thank you. And it's also true - it's hard when people try to argue about my own reality. I am aware it might not be cancer, but I am also aware it might be cancer. My doctor actually said, 'They believe it's cancer unless proven otherwise.' So to have someone say that I'm being negative (when I'm not) by thinking it could be cancer and another person say, "Oh, just believe it's not cancer", really undermines me. And 3 months is a long time to have it hanging over me - just waiting around for a verdict. I admire all the women on this forum who have waited as well for answers, treatment, results. It's tiring. I've kept busy, etc, but it's always there, lingering. Thanks for listening. It means the world to me.