Hi Bill404,
Each of your choices have their own pros and cons for sure.
Neph tubes: Pros-much less risky surgery, Con’s-chances they may become dislodged, higher risk of urinary and tube site infections, more cumbersome to maintain (two bags, two dressing changes, clothing concerns)
Conduit: Pros- one site, one bag, much lower chances of site infections, easier to maintain. Cons- much riskier surgery, higher risk of post op issues.
I was 16 when I got my urostomy conduit, so I recovered quickly, and I was pretty active so I would have chosen the urostomy over neph tubes, and I probably would chose it again here at 62…not sure how I’d feel if I were 78.
As a nurse, I did recently have an 80 yr old man that had a urostomy, and he did great with it.
Ultimately it’s a choice you alone can make taking into account your tolerance for risk, and the day to day lifestyle you’re looking for.
Take care and God bless!
Thanks ravna. This is quite helpful. In your nursing experience, am I right about the 6-12 month recovery time for older people? God bless you too.