Barrett’s esophagus
Looking for info and help with Barret’s esophagus. I can’t figure out just how serious this is. I have read way too much online! I don’t really know how strict my diet really has to be. It is really stressful-. Does anyone here have it? And exactly how serious is it?
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Well Dianne... statistically, not many cases of Barrett's actually turn into esophageal cancer (I think maybe 6% ?). But that doesn't mean Barrett's patches within the esophagus cannot cause problems. So... no high grade dysplasia cells seen with your Barrett's... so what about dysphagia? Is swallowing OK? If so... then so far so good. If not... then possibly an ablation procedure would be useful. Just want to be sure your QofLife is acceptable to you. And stay monitored. EC can take forever to develop. But once it does, it can move at warp speed.
So Elvis cruises only? Guess the wife loves Elvis too! Just so you know... I know many patients 75 or older who went on to have an esophagectomy and are doing just fine. One fellow had his in November? At age 83. It just depends on the patient. But surgeons and tumor boards are usually quite careful about who they recommend for surgery. I don't recall you stating what stage you were... I'd want to know all details about your diagnostics... EUS, biopsies, scans results, etc. Did you get a TxNxMx designation for your EC? If truly stage 1... then surgery is almost a sure bet you won't see your cancer again. But yes... believe me, I know it's a rough recovery... and it takes a 12 to 18 months to get back to a good QofLife.
But not all Barrett's must be addressed... especially if not causing you any major discomfort or swallowing issues. But repeated ablations on large portions of your esophagus can also cause you some issues long term... so you must proceed with caution to see how well your esophagus heals.
But if your QofLife has returned, and especially if your EC has not returned... then good for you! Party hearty pal! Well done.
Gary after a car wreck whiplash injury in 2014 I developed swallowing problems. After 1 year of swallowing issues I was diagnosed with critical malfunctioning epiglotti which was causing the swallowing issues. I basically learned a better technique of swallowing and I am just living with it. I do have to be careful and attentive when swallowing pills especially. I would not drive and drink something, or eat something, or take a pill while driving because I might only get it down a little and it’s stuck and have a need to bring it back up. At times now I have this esophagus cough. Refreshing to get so much relief with my burning mouth but have burn break throughs and take Pepsid ac complete for those.
Understand Diane. You might still benefit from popping in on one of our free EC Zoom calls... next one is tomorrow, Sunday, 9am Eastern. We often discuss remedies for daytime and night time reflux issues. These include OTC and prescription meds as well. Here's the one-touch Zoom link should you care to stop by and ask a few questions... even about Barrett's.
Be well,