← Return to Stage IV UTUC / EV-Pembro / Nephroureterectomy: Advice For Caregivers?

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Hi @jsbsmith, I added your question to the caregivers group as well as the bladder cancer group. I'm also tagging a few caregivers who can offer tips that have helped them. Additionally, here are a few related discussions that might interest you.

- Anyone dealing with UTUC (Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma)? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/anyone-dealing-with-utuc/

- Positive For High-Grade Urothelial Carcinoma on Urine Test https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/positive-for-high-grade-urotheliel-carcinoma-on-husbands-urine-test/

- Any EV-Pembro (enfortumab vedotin and pembrolizumab) experiences? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/ev-pembro-combined-treatment-experiences/

This discussion is in a different cancer group, but has some useful caregiver tips.
- How can I be a supportive caregiver? HPV Squamous Cell Carcinoma https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/diagnosis-and-discussions/

Your mother must be so grateful that you were able to move her out to you and have access to a top cancer center. How is she doing on treatment? How are you doing?

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Replies to "Hi @jsbsmith, I added your question to the caregivers group as well as the bladder cancer..."

Hello @colleenyoung, thank you for cross-posting to the Caregivers group. I wasn't aware of it, and just took some time to get familiar with it.

Thanks for asking how my mother and I are doing. My mother just completed the second / Day 8 infusion of her second EV-pembro cycle. Starting to really shed hair, some skin rash and itching ... but labs continue to look good and all of the side effects remain manageable. I am OK too.