Originally posted in wrong topic, hope I have the right one this time.
My name is Rosemary Gaskell and I live in Massachusetts. I have recently recovered from Polymyalgia Rheumatica, an autoimmune illness. Today, my first full physical since recovery, I find that I also have stage 3 kidney disease. This was a shock. The only symptom I have is itching in odd places. No swollen legs or ankles, no weight loss or gain, no high blood pressure. In sort, apart from Kidneys I am in good health for an 80 year old. I had complete kidney failure as a 4 year old, which confounded doctors as I should have died but survived just to fool them. No problems since.
This has hit me hard and I don't know how to cope right now. My last sibling died last year and I have limited people to discuss this with. I am hoping this group can give me some idea of a path to start on to live as long as I can.
All I have to hold on to right now is my 18 year old cat has the same illness and nearly died two years ago, but is now doing fine. I hope I can follow her example.
Many thanks
@bradninchgirl I imagine that it was quite the surprise! What was the eGFR level they gave you? Do they think that the medications you were on for the PR had anything to do with the decreased kidney function? I hope your medical team is referring you to a nephrologist to look into your situation.
Many of us are told about having a kidney concern, yet we don't show symptoms. Our bodies often will accommodate for changing health slowly, so slowly we don't recognize it. It's not until later as we look back that we see it.
May I suggest the following for you? Read through the threads here. Don't "awfulize" your situation, be realistic. Understand that we are all different, and how our kidney issues affect us can be different. Get in with a nephrologist who will work with your medical team to make the best plan for you. Adopt a healthy diet for you. For kidney patients, we need to watch calcium, phosphorous, potassium, salt, protein, and sugar intakes. If you have other dietary concerns, you might need to really work at it! For example, I also have to deal with gout, so my renal diet is paired with a gout-friendly diet.
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