Has anyone had IVIG Infusions for Neuropathy?

Posted by giarc60 @giarc60, Oct 11, 2018

Anyone had success with IVIG infusions for idiopathic neuropathy ?

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I normally have a Picc line put in but it all happened so fast the approval I did not bring it up to the doctor.
I was a RN an was really good at sticking people. I worked at an out patient hospital that saw drug users that did not have veins. Now my hands shake so bad from the motor neuropathy that I can’t work. I have to have a lid on my cup or it goes all over the place. I tried doing dishes dropped a pairing knife on my big toe and just yanked it out. My toe still hurts. That happened last week.




I am taking Panzyga for IVIG.
Some of the IVIG cover motor neuropathy some don’t. I need IVIG to also cover the motor neuropathy where my hands shake really bad..
It did start working on my legs. I was dragging it and it helped the dizziness


Yes for the IVIG, helps a little.
I have small fiber neuropathy, Sojgrens. severe, severer pain the nerves by the tailbone!!!!!!!!!!! Severe! not 1 med. works for the nerves!! Looking a good Rhuamatologist in NW, NJ. I have no life anymore! the pain has taken over! I can't see my other drs because I can't sit, can't sit in car either! Haven't had my hair done and nails in MONTHS! I need to feel good about my appearance!! Can't sit! I have a Neurologist, Between him and my Pain Management dr. Getting Medical Clearance from Neuro. so I can Have a procedure called, Bilateral Superior Hypo Gastric Plesex Block. Not really constipated, it just won't pass!!! I don'r wish this PAIN on ANYONE!!!! Any guidance?


I have had CIDP for 18 months during that time. I’ve had IvIG infusions for two different sessions at different dosages they didn’t seem to help.


Yes for the IVIG, helps a little.
I have small fiber neuropathy, Sojgrens. severe, severer pain the nerves by the tailbone!!!!!!!!!!! Severe! not 1 med. works for the nerves!! Looking a good Rhuamatologist in NW, NJ. I have no life anymore! the pain has taken over! I can't see my other drs because I can't sit, can't sit in car either! Haven't had my hair done and nails in MONTHS! I need to feel good about my appearance!! Can't sit! I have a Neurologist, Between him and my Pain Management dr. Getting Medical Clearance from Neuro. so I can Have a procedure called, Bilateral Superior Hypo Gastric Plesex Block. Not really constipated, it just won't pass!!! I don'r wish this PAIN on ANYONE!!!! Any guidance?

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SI rhizomy helps the nerves on the tail bone.Its done by my pain management doctor.
IVIG I use panzyga and it helps a lot. It helps my nerve pain balance and dizziness. The down side I have no veins so Igetstuck a lot.


I have had CIDP for 18 months during that time. I’ve had IvIG infusions for two different sessions at different dosages they didn’t seem to help.

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IVIG takes 6 months to work quicker if every two weeks. I take panzyga it helps nerve pain dizziness and my balance problems. It also helps my lupus.


IVIG takes 6 months to work quicker if every two weeks. I take panzyga it helps nerve pain dizziness and my balance problems. It also helps my lupus.

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Thank You so much! I will ask my nurse every 2 weeks or My neurologist.
I will look into Panzyga. Nerve pain it bad.
Have a good Day!!!



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Could you please tell me what that is and what it's for.
Thank You


SI rhizomy helps the nerves on the tail bone.Its done by my pain management doctor.
IVIG I use panzyga and it helps a lot. It helps my nerve pain balance and dizziness. The down side I have no veins so Igetstuck a lot.

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hello, I have severe pain tail bone area. Sitting is very painful for me, even moving bowels!!!!!! Small Fiber Neuropathy! Having a procedure by pain doc. called, bilateral superior hypogastric plesex block in March 5. Hope it works!!!

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