Starting Orgovyx - how long for side effects to occur?
I've been taking Orgovyx for about 3 weeks and so far have zero side effects: no hot flashes, no fatigue or tiredness, no weight gain, no ED, nothing. I'm not complaining, but I'm on pins and needles waiting for stuff to start.
For background, I am in good shape and very active, I've been running for years and run 4-5 days a week, 30 - 35 miles, and also resistance train 2-3 days/week. I have no idea if that's what's doing it, but I'd be doing it anyway.
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Your running is really a major way to prevent fatigue. I can’t run, but I walk about 3 1/2 miles a day and go to the track across the street twice a day to walk a mile. I never noticed the fatigue issue.
I know that when I started Orgovyx After using Lupron for seven years, that my hot flashes stopped for about five months. Very strange, but They did come back.
I never gained any weight on Lupron, At the Advanced prostate cancer meetings I go to many people do complain about gaining weight. I’ve always had a tight control on my weight, reduce what I eat if I gain anything.
Besides running And resistance training, you might do some weightlifting, for bone and muscle strengthening. Your muscles can easily deteriorate. Maybe resistance training will do it. I’m not sure if it’s enough.
The brain fog takes a while to be noticed.
It does cause your bones to become weaker, A doctor who specialized in that area, in a webinar I was watching, said that everybody who is on ADT Should be on a bone strengthener like Fosamax, Xgeva or Zometa.
You are taking calcium and vitamin D? They are very important when on ADT drugs.
I'm with you on the weight. I'm pretty diligent and have actually lost a couple pounds since starting the Orgovyx. I've been on a high protein diet for a while now, and will continue that and cut back carbs if needed.
By resistance training I mean I do a combination: lift heavy weights twice a week, and do body weight and plyometrics another day.
I am taking calcium and Vitamin D. I'll talk to my MO about the other drugs you mentioned. Osteoporosis is one of my biggest concerns, but my MO said that's usually only a big problem for people on it long term, and I'm only on a 6-month course.
Hopefully I'll be done before brain fog sets in.
You might never experience any side effects beyond the basic ones (like losing some body hair eventually). We all react differently.
For me, Orgovyx has been much better than injectables (Firmagon in my case). Hot flushes and mood swings are rare now, and my energy level is improved significantly.
After almost 3½ years on various ADT, I might have lost some bone density (I don't have a pre-ADT baseline for comparison), but I'm keeping it to a minimum with weight training and calcium+vitamin D supplements, as recommended by my medical team. I'm also maintaining my weight, though reduction is a challenge. I briefly tested at low end of pre-diabetic, but got that back into normal range just with sensible, normal food choices (no extreme fad diets required).
If you’re only on it for six months, you probably don’t need bones strengtheners. I am not a doctor, however, that is just what I’ve heard.
I recently switched to Orgovyx after being on Lupron for 7 months. I experienced all the side effects on Lupron almost immediately: (loss of libido, ED, muscle loss, fatigue, hot flashes, 50% genital shrinkage since start of treatment, loss of body hair, skin irritations, bone loss, and higher emotional sensitivity). I'm in my second month of Orgovyx and do not see any real change in side effects. I agree we are all different in our fricken PCa and react differently. I switched to Orgovyx as it is to have a quicker T recovery period once Tx ends and lower CV events.
Everyone should get baseline measures at least for PSA, T, and bone density. I didn't get them until I advocated for them. PSA was 9.52 (3 months prior to Tx) and was reduced to 0.09 after 4 months on Lupron (pretty good). No baseline T or DXA taken. Finally got a T level 5 months later and it was 16 NS/dl - had no baseline T prior other than 10 years ago when my T was close to 1,000. Had a DXA scan a couple of months ago and significant deterioration detected. Will soon start an injection to improve bones. So hopefully with more consistent testing, Orgovyx will do me good.
I have a new oncologist now and he agrees we should be pro-actively monitoring my health.
Both drugs you took are ADT and their task is to reduce your testosterone down to very low levels. Because they both do the same thing the side effects are usually the same. I was on Lupron for seven years And when I switched to Orgovyx my Hot flashes stopped for about 5 months. Other than that, everything else rain the same.
In recent webinar, I went to a doctor who specialize in bone health for prostate cancers said that everybody who’s on ADT drugs should be on a bone strengthener. I was on Fosamax for about five years and recently switched to Zometa. The highest rated bone Strengthener, however, is Xgeva (denosumab). My oncologist didn’t Put me on Xgeva because it has a slightly higher chance of causing osteonecrosis of the jaw than Zometa.
I make a distinction between the acute and chronic side effects.
As @jeffmarc mentioned, the chronic side effects of having low testosterone should be comparable between Degarelix and Relugolix, because they're both GnRH receptor antagonists. The difference is not having having to deal with the acute side-effects on top of that after getting a monthly megadose by injection with Degarelix, including flu-like symptoms, swelling, rash, etc.
In my personal experience, Relugolix evens things out on the medication side and improves quality of life significantly. It can't, of course, replace the loss of testosterone (or else it would be ineffective at slowing prostate cancer), but it can help by levelling out the roller-coaster your body has to ride with a big monthly injection of Degarelix (or, I assume, a big quarterly injection of Leuprolide).
I was on Orgovyx for 6 months. My first significant hot flash was on day 41.
Stay Strong Brother, we got this.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I am doing 6 months adt and will switch to Orgovyx for my last 3 months of tx.
Good to know. Today is day 21 for me.