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Discharged from hospital last evening after having been hospitalised for 7 days after the Whipple.
Doctor put me on a low fat diet for a week but at this present moment I don't have apetite. Had a piece of white bread and a cup of Boh Tea without milk and sugar.

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Replies to "Discharged from hospital last evening after having been hospitalised for 7 days after the Whipple. Doctor..."

@ayeo It went well! 7 days is good - suggests things went well. My husband stayed 11 days and was discharged with a "drain" that stayed in another 2 weeks.
You cannot expect to eat heartily so soon but it will get better.

I found angel hair pasta with or without a tiny bit of olive oil or butter to be my go-to.

I found that very small portions or taking a very long time between small bites worked for me. Even today I have to be careful with portion sizes if I eat out. Best wishes to everyone.

Glad to hear your Whipple went well and you are home. It took me a couple of months before my appetite started to improve. Protein is very important to recoup muscle mass and heal. A Home made chicken soup (with skinless and boneless chicken breasts) with some noodles and a few carrots was my go to for lunch and diner. I also had a daily low sugar protein shake a day. I also had herbal tea (no caffeine) for breakfast with a toast and a hard boiled egg or a slice of turkey cold cut for breakfast. Slowly your appetite and strength will return.

Small portions as you recover from surgery you can eat as your body tells you and your appetite returns. Takes a while for your Gastrointestinal . System gets used to its new arrangement. God bless you for a speedy recovery. 🌈🙏🏼💜