You are getting the hang of kegels and you'll be fine in some time. That book, that I bought along with a lot of other guys: 10 WEEKS to continence, so you aren't behind the curve by much. Better to do them right and see if you are continent afterwards than do them wrong and screw yourself.
I was fortunate that I sought out a pelvic floor therapist immediately upon diagnosis - she even commented that she wished this were recommended by every doctor because you get ahead of the curve. To date she said she'd seen only three guys beforehand, me included, and countless others after the problem was there.
The digital exam may not be what every doctor does, but mine did. She can feel the elasticity, hydration, engagement, knots and everything else to know precisely what is happening on engage and release. At first it's an "interesting" feeling (lots of nerve bundles in that area) but turned into be relatively uncomfortable at times as she really presses on weak spots - but none of these things impact the perineum so you might be fine (if your Dr does the digital).
Also: You can do TOO MANY KEGELS. Guys probably get overly into doing this because it's the only control they have over this disease but you can overdo it EASILY and wreck your pelvic floor.
Thanks so much. If she (Vanita) was In Maryland I would go and see her. I just ordered the book so hopefully I can get some more insight and tips
I really appreciate the comments