I had Dr. Kwon back in 2017 after surgery, BCR and failure of SRT.
At the time, from my perspective I felt he was ahead in his thinking. While much of mainstream clinical practice were wedded to monotherapy, sequential and progressive, each destined to fail, then death, he was more of combine treatments, bring them forward in the disease and "overwhelm" it. It was the for4erunner of today's doublet and triplet therapy.
That's the layman's version...
Mayo also had the C11 Choline scan, which was useful in locating recurrence, thus informing the treatment decisions. The PSMA PETs were in clinical trials, difficult to get into and definitely not generally available for serial imaging to assess treatment.
That being said, I had the triplet therapy done here in Kansas City by my medical team and would go back to Mayo for C11 Choline scans and updates.
At this point, I don't see a need to go back to Mayo. Everything I need is here in Kansas City, PSMA scans, I have a medical team who are active listeners and support shared decision making.
You ask, share my experience.
I felt he used his PA to do more of the consults than he did. His PA was very capable, so, technically, nothing wrong. In one of my trips up there, he spent a few minutes initially, turned me over to his PA and left. As my wife and I walked out, he was out in the lobby making small talk with the nursing staff. Again, nothing "wrong" but didn't meet my expectations of a doctor-patient consult.
On another consult, when I mentioned the genitalia shrinkage from the ADT, he laughed, made a comment about "taking me back to my pre-pubescent days..." Again, he was not wrong, but his patient-doctor bedside style rubbed me the wrong way.
Some other things I didn't like:
During one of the consults, he opened up by saying there was nothing wrong with my labs. Since I had the Mayo App, I could see my results and knew that several were out of tolerance and felt he should have mentioned those and any concerns or not he had.
The radiologist disagreed with his assessment of the C11 Choline scan but during his consult with me, he never mentioned it until I raised it. In felt it was important to discuss as it impacted the radiation treatment plan.
and finally, when I said I would do the WPLN radiation treatment here in Kansas City rather than spend five weeks at Mayo, he more or less disparaged my medical team here saying more or less only Mayo could do it to "standard." The Mayo radiologist was fine having it done by my radiologist here in KC and the two of them talked about the treatment plan, number, margins, boosts...
Study of one as they say, my experience.
Is this about DR Kwon or DR Quevedo? My doctor now passes me off on to his PA now. I basically see him annually. I like the PA and she does a good job answering my questions. The problem is she doesn't know all the answers to my questions. The doctor I have now is very palliative in his treatments. I will be going on my third round of wait for PSA to rise to some where between 6-10 then radiation and meds. Then take a year break and do it all over again. NOT FUN. I am hoping to find a doctor who will listen to my concerns and be more aggressive upfront so that maybe my breaks in treatment are more than a year +. Thanks for sharing. Good luck in your journey. James