Enormous Prostate Plan

Posted by hoops0200 @hoops0200, 6 days ago

Hi, all. I am new here. I had a PSA a few months ago and there was alarm when it came out to an 8 and change. They tested it again a few weeks later and it was an 11.3. A digital exam found nothing unusual but the doctor ordered an MRI, which did not show anything that looked obvious for cancer. "Highly Unlikely" was the finding. One horrible thing came out of it, though. A normal prostate apparently has a volume of 20-30, I believe? My doctor said he would be highly concerned if it was 60-80 or larger, but mine is 190 in volume. He was shocked that I have only mild symptoms related to it in terms of the "normal" enlarged prostate symptoms. (I urinate a little more often, infrequently start and stop, get up 1-2 times a night, etc. Normal sexual function.) My PSA was still at 11.8 after 3-4 weeks since the last 11. I don't know if it matters, but I am 6'7" and weigh just over 300 lbs., though I hold it well. (Most people guess I am 250-270 lbs.)

He has ordered a TRUS biopsy in a couple of weeks, despite the MRI findings being good. He says he does not wish to address the size of the prostate until he is 100% sure there is no cancer. I guess that is the wise choice? What do you think?

Afterwards, assuming the biopsy is clear, he wants to perform a TURP to remove excess prostate tissue. There are doctors here who can perform HeLoP, as well. Which is better? I have read that HeLoP is a better option than TRUS for large prostates like mine? (I'm hoping - even assuming - there are no signs of cancer, obviously, and that this is the path.) Thanks for any advice. I've been a bit anxious about it all, but am a man of faith, so not terribly stricken with worry. I appreciate any suggestions or thoughts!

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hoops0200, I don't have good advice and hope others will contradict me.
It seems that the biopsy will be blind since nothing is showing on the MRI. Are they thinking that something will show on an ultrasound that hasn't shown on the MRI. I would ask for a PET Scan because it is less invasive than biopsy more evidentiary than MRI. I wouldn't want the PSMA pet because it doesn't seem like you are producing PSA in regard to any possible tumor.
Without symptoms I would hesitate to have the prostate reduced.
I hope you get a second opinion before the biopsy. I've no experience and no medical background. I'm not to be trusted. Best wishes


The larger your prostate the higher, your PSA it seems. I know a friend of mine that had a PSA of about 50 had a large prostate, but never had cancer even though he had many Biopsies.

Definitely not time to panic. Did they mention BPH as possibly one of your problems and that you should be on antibiotics? That’s what people here have said they needed when they had high PSA and it turned out to be BPH.

I’m 6’4” and My prostate was 80, which is large, but people my height make up only one percent of the population. Yours should’ve been bigger than mine but 190s huge.

I read that there’s a real advantage to having a larger prostate when it comes to getting an MRI. They can find the cancer more easily.


There is a PSE test which is 94% accurate for detecting whether you have cancer or not.
Why go thru all that if a simple blood test is all you need?
Also you don’t sound like you are having any noticeable BPH symptoms, so again, why go thru a procedure you might not need?
If your doctor doesn’t know about - or won’t do - the PSE, What you might need is a NEW urologist!!


The larger your prostate the higher, your PSA it seems. I know a friend of mine that had a PSA of about 50 had a large prostate, but never had cancer even though he had many Biopsies.

Definitely not time to panic. Did they mention BPH as possibly one of your problems and that you should be on antibiotics? That’s what people here have said they needed when they had high PSA and it turned out to be BPH.

I’m 6’4” and My prostate was 80, which is large, but people my height make up only one percent of the population. Yours should’ve been bigger than mine but 190s huge.

I read that there’s a real advantage to having a larger prostate when it comes to getting an MRI. They can find the cancer more easily.

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My prostate at RP was 100 6'5" and 250lbs. diagnosed 71 YO 2/2019 PSA 43 Gleasons 7-9 12 cores taken. Oncologist of a high school clasmate was told side effects of Lupron are rare. TOTAL LIE ! I suggested to my radiation oncologist that it might be a good idea to post a sticker over the mens urinals in sports stadiums listing symptoms and advising a PSA test. Her reply: "That would cause panic"" So we PC sufferers endure this horrible disease and the above mentioned quackery


An enormous plan for your prostate seems better than no plan at all


The larger your prostate the higher, your PSA it seems. I know a friend of mine that had a PSA of about 50 had a large prostate, but never had cancer even though he had many Biopsies.

Definitely not time to panic. Did they mention BPH as possibly one of your problems and that you should be on antibiotics? That’s what people here have said they needed when they had high PSA and it turned out to be BPH.

I’m 6’4” and My prostate was 80, which is large, but people my height make up only one percent of the population. Yours should’ve been bigger than mine but 190s huge.

I read that there’s a real advantage to having a larger prostate when it comes to getting an MRI. They can find the cancer more easily.

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What were your friend's Gleason scores with all those biopsies? Mine were 7-9 with 12 cores add the 43 PSA that pretty much shows camcer for sure. I have heard of some Dr.s only doing 3 cores. That is a quack I feel. A PSA test is only a starting point that hopefully get ones' attention that further tests are needed.A high PSA should never be just ignored I feel.


The biopsy will pretty much clear it up as to PC Gleasons 6 or less good 7-10 especially those 9-10's shoul;d be of GREAT concern


I would encourage PC sufferors to get into a local support group. Loads of very good info about others experiences with their treatments. SO MUCH controvercy from oncologists about PC itself and the best treatments for same. Loads of falcehoods and "we don't know, More research is needed/ongoing as well" Such is the mine field of PC diagnosis and treatments. This causes much anxiety tto.


What were your friend's Gleason scores with all those biopsies? Mine were 7-9 with 12 cores add the 43 PSA that pretty much shows camcer for sure. I have heard of some Dr.s only doing 3 cores. That is a quack I feel. A PSA test is only a starting point that hopefully get ones' attention that further tests are needed.A high PSA should never be just ignored I feel.

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For at least five years, he had this really high PSA but every time he did a biopsy, it was never Above a Gleason 6. He died of lymphoma, Untreated for years because he wouldn’t go for a doctor.


I would encourage PC sufferors to get into a local support group. Loads of very good info about others experiences with their treatments. SO MUCH controvercy from oncologists about PC itself and the best treatments for same. Loads of falcehoods and "we don't know, More research is needed/ongoing as well" Such is the mine field of PC diagnosis and treatments. This causes much anxiety tto.

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I attend one local support group that meets twice a month. I attend another UCSF support group that meets once a month (today). But I learn more from the weekly advanced prostate cancer online meetings that Ancan.org holds, And they have people From all over the world.

At last night’s meeting, one of the attendees talked about his situation. 30 years ago, he had prostate cancer surgery. His PSA in the latest test was 170. They do scans and find nothing. He’s had a high PSA for 30 years and he’s still alive. One just never know what prostate cancer does to people. About 10 years ago, he got another very serious cancer and beat it. Is this guy Superman?

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