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@grandma @sabrina- I totally agree with you grandma. Although doctors know more than we do they can not get into our minds nor know how things really feel. Sometimes we have to listen to ourselves, read our selves, study up on our illnesses and know when something is working or not. Phew, long sentence.
I go by intuition- if I "feel" or "sense" that something is not right I call for help. I don't wait, but that's me. I don't care if it turns out to be nothing.
I weaned very slowly off of effexor too. This is very very important. You have altered the chemicals that dictate how your brain works. Now you have to let it slowly go back to it's most normal state. It might be a bit different but it will hopefully will be better.

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Replies to "@grandma @sabrina- I totally agree with you grandma. Although doctors know more than we do they..."

Right on!!!

@merpreb I think it's a rare doctor who actually realizes that patients do know things about themselves. My ortho was great about that. Too many doctors do not give credit to their patients for being aware.