← Return to Lung cancer stage 4: Anyone's spouse refuse to help themselves?

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This must be so frustrating for you - and the feeling of helplessness is sometimes overwhelming. Do you have a good relationship with your husband’s oncologist? Is there a team treating him? He is probably also terrified. If you are in a big city, there shoud be resources both psychological and medical for him. Gilda’s Club is often very helpful for caretakers if there is one near you. If not, I would talk to his oncologist who may have a recommendation for a counselor - if not for your husband then for you. Best of luck to you both. Tough times.

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Replies to "This must be so frustrating for you - and the feeling of helplessness is sometimes overwhelming...."

Things have changed a lot since I posted that. After his second treatment in January, he decided that he wasn't going to take any more because he was so sick afterwards. Then we got hospice involved and they have been coming every week since then. The last time he was weighed, he weighed 94 pounds. I am sure he is much less now. He can't walk without a walker because he falls. He feel 6 times in the last 3 days because he wasn't using his walker. Now he does. His appetite is poor. The nurse that came today told me afterwards that he has declined since she saw him two weeks ago. A different nurse comes on alternate weeks. She said her guess was that he had less than two months to live. But like she said, it is only a guess. Only God knows for sure. But she said that his legs are starting to mottle (not sure of the spelling) and this is another sign that the end is not that far away. So, I made an appt with the local funeral home on thursday to discuss what needs done so it will be prepared when the time comes. I have talked to the social worker. It is hard for me to watch him slipping away day by day. He is often confused. So things are getting harder day by day. But with God's help, I will get through this. The nurse said that at some point in the near future they will need to bring in a hospital bed. That will not go over well with him. But she said we can't care for him properly while he is sitting in his recliner. He is very bull headed and fights any new thing they want to do which makes it harder for all of us to help him. You are right. These are and will be tough times right up the very end.