Bone Coach - How do you know it works?

Posted by sheilad1 @sheilad1, Dec 13, 2022

I have seen several people here joined Bone Coach. How do you know your osteoperosis is better. The testimonials talk about general health improving which adherence to any healthy diet may have done the same.
There is no science shown. It's pricey but worth it if it works.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


I had no noticeable side effects with forteo or evenity. Gains with both but best gains with evenity. The side effects that scare the hell out of me are compression fractures from untreated osteoporosis! My individual route on this bone journey.

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I also have had no side effects from my medications of Alendronate and now Tymlos.
I am recovering from an L3 fracture and that is now scarier than any medication or side effect..
I would put up with a list of negative side effects to avoid going through this again. Although I was afraid and opposed to medication, I started Tymlos after my fracture, Tymlos is now my good friend and I am thankful for it. The pain I experience brought about a complete turnaround in thought about medication.
I wish you all safe and well.



You should get an award for your comments

on how services and products are being pushed

by various websites and 'influencers'.

I am appalled at what I see lately on the web.

Eventually I had that 'haha' moment and am very selective

which webinars to attend - and have unsubscribed

from many.

I subscribe to very few:

I like and put Osteoboston on my ok list.

We are here on this Forum

to help and give back views of our own experience:

However -

I would say - everyone should do due diligence, approach these websites

with a double healthy dose of skepticism.

Research as much as you can, from as many sources as possible.

Some, many websites and influencers profit from you –

inverse to the help you are going to get.

And put a zipper on your wallet. Maybe even a lock.

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Thank you for the kind words. I watched a few videos of Margie Bissinger’s Summit and the one with Green Keto completely turned me off. The presenter called herself “ Girlfriend’s Doctor “. I read on this forum that Dr Rubin Clinton has conflict of interest. If anyone here who knows more about it can elaborate, it will help all of us. Have you noticed that the Summit was sponsored by Marodyne, the company that makes the vibration device that his research backs ?

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