too many years of pain

Posted by notborntoburn @notborntoburn, Feb 15 1:14pm

Hello. I have been following this Mayo Clinic group for many years it has inspired me and helped me not feel so isolated. I have been in pain for the past 15yrs if anything was new or reasonable not reasonable to an outsider! My latest was TMS transcranial magnetic stimulation a woodpecker attempts to redirect depression and pain 6weeks nothing changed! But doctors cannot say I am not noncompliant. If you ask me if I have tried something the answer is yes!
I have a very supportive husband for 45 years. Lost teeth due to sjogrens syndrome,arthritis and the every present idiopathic neuropathy.
Many of you have so much more pain and suffering I feel gratitude from reading your mail.
We never give up!

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I hope you find something that helps. I am thinking of trying medical cannabis. I need more sleep and less pain at night. The downside is the expense.


Yeah don’t give up! That’s the attitude. I just wrote a big old reply to another subject, but it had to do with pain management and having a good attitude during our struggle to have quality of life. You can find joy and blessings in your 45 year relationship with a supportive partner. That is an amazing thing. I can have joy and blessings in that although I am alone on this journey, I am strong and self reliant. I promise everyone that there is some asset they have in their life on the other side of their curse. I believe in the principle of duality over my lifetime and someone once told me that when you are mired in sh*t you reach to the other side. Sometimes that means just being still and breathing deep. “ this too shall pass.” Always rings true for me, weather I am pain-free or in consuming pain, I try to remember that I am a spiritual being. Everything in life is a practice for me, forever the student.


Listening to all my fellow chronic pain sufferers reminds me that the pain and suffering of this world is relatively minor compared to the riches we who are followers of Jesus will experience some day. This is not to minimize anyone's pain at all. I heard an excellent sermon this morning on pain and suffering. This verse from Romans 8 really hit home to me. "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be in us". Romans 8:18
I pray that you all have a better day today.


Yeah don’t give up! That’s the attitude. I just wrote a big old reply to another subject, but it had to do with pain management and having a good attitude during our struggle to have quality of life. You can find joy and blessings in your 45 year relationship with a supportive partner. That is an amazing thing. I can have joy and blessings in that although I am alone on this journey, I am strong and self reliant. I promise everyone that there is some asset they have in their life on the other side of their curse. I believe in the principle of duality over my lifetime and someone once told me that when you are mired in sh*t you reach to the other side. Sometimes that means just being still and breathing deep. “ this too shall pass.” Always rings true for me, weather I am pain-free or in consuming pain, I try to remember that I am a spiritual being. Everything in life is a practice for me, forever the student.

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Why? Oh,, I did and there is a specific thread for the generic name. I asked my doctor and she replied that there’s not much information on it and it does seem to be specifically targeted for post surgery operative pain, not long-term chronic pain.

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