Chronic pain and spinal fusion

Posted by lynn12 @lynn12, Aug 16, 2018

I am wondering if there is anyone out there has experienced what I am dealing with? In 2006 I had a spinal fusion from T2 through L4. Actually the fusion failed and after one year had to be repeated, this time using a bone morphosizing protein that ensured fusion. Like most who have endured a surgery like this I am left with chronic pain. I have through the years also developed quite a dowagers hump. The surgeon explained that my problem went up so high that she actually bent the rod a bit forward during surgery otherwise noting that I may become off balance. As the years have gone by this hump is looking more and more pronounced. I absolutely hate it and feel so ugly, can anything safely be done or does it involve another dangerous surgical procedure? As you can imagine the thought of more surgery is frightening to me. What complicates matters is I am on Warfarin (blood thinner) due to aortic valve repelacement in 2001. Any surgery for me is always more complicated.

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Non-invasive lumbar fusion device - Minuteman G5
Has anyone had a Minuteman G5 Interspinous process device inserted for degenerative lumbar spine stenosis ?? Experience and results ??

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Hello @diver1, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. While I wasn't able to find other members who specifically mentioned this device, there may be some familiar with it or possibly be interested in learning more from you about it.

For that reason, you will notice I have moved your post here:
- Chronic pain and spinal fusion:

Was this device recommended for you? What about it interests you?


Thanks Amanda, Device recommended to my wife. It is relatively new version and looking to learn about patients experiences.


Hello @diver1, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. While I wasn't able to find other members who specifically mentioned this device, there may be some familiar with it or possibly be interested in learning more from you about it.

For that reason, you will notice I have moved your post here:
- Chronic pain and spinal fusion:

Was this device recommended for you? What about it interests you?

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No just the shots,I maybe to old to have surgery. There never seems
to be a day with out pain. I am bend over not pretty...I am thankful I keep my self moving.


I am new here, I have had 2 cervical fusions and laminectomies in the past year. I am fused from C2 to T2. In the past year I have also had 3 Lumbar surgeries the last being 12/30/2024. I am fused from L2 to S1. I had a minor fall landing on my hands that started this chain of events. I lost balance, motor skills in my hands and arms, and had neck pain. I had 2 Cervical surgeries in 3 months 1 in the front and 1 in the back. Then had the 3 lumbar surgeries over the next 9-10 months. My problem is the pain in my lower back, hips, legs, and butt. I can sit but when I have to get up it takes 2-3 minutes to get moving and is very painful. My legs always feel numb and or cold. I have been taking gabapentin, pregbalin, methocarbamol, (not at same time) but it doesn't seem to help. Any suggestions would be great.


I would get another opinion from a surgeon not affiliated with the one who did the surgery.


Wonder if anyone has had their entire Cspine fused c4-t1 or similar. My scenario, at pretty young age I had very successful ACDF c5-c7 (due to many problems including chord compression, a reverse curve to my neck (common if have long straight neck, that my NeuroSpine surgeon straightening w the fusion by carving out the cadaver bone in a metaculios way). Over the years other areas of my Cspine has become worse. Radio Frequency Ablation by a very skilled Pain Mgmt doctor, worked great to rid of any pain years after the fusion. I never needed Pain meds etc. Over
last 9 months bad pain started creeping up and RFA or other non invasive procedures did not help at all. Recently (15 years after original c5-c7 fusion), imaging shows I have bad stenosis, the worse at c4-c5 with anterior/ posterior chord compression, among many other issues thoughout my Cspine, including Anterolisthesis with flexion at c4-c5 and c7-t1. Total mess. I am on my own w no help. I wonder how you function on your own, after having your entire neck fused? I did great after my first fusion, but this is far more drastic. I would appreciate any candor from others who may have had a similar fusion/ experience. Ty

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