It's Official I have Prostate Cancer

Posted by jayhall @jayhall, Feb 14 10:37am

Yesterday I got the results, I have two small lesions. I was given a Gleason score of 8 and typing of 4. Next steps are MRI and PSMA to determine if it's spread. If it's spread Oncologist. If not, removal of the entire Prostate.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.


Just so you know something about Gleason 8. I know a few people that have lived many years with a Gleason 8. Rick Davis, who founded, Was a Gleason 8 who was treated with radiation at UCSF, at least 15 years ago, Has been cancer Free since then..

It is not a death sentence and with the treatments and drugs they have available today you’re probably going to live a long time. Most prostate cancer patients die of some other cause. holds weekly meetings for advanced prostate cancer people, And many other meetings for other levels of prostate cancer and for other diseases. Their newsletter that comes out weekly has a lot of information about new things going on in prostate cancer. You can also watch old meetings to get a feel for what’s going on. If you like to get some advice Come to a meeting after your PET scan has been completed.

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Thanks I appreciate the offer for this! I'm crossing my fingers for the PMSA and MRI! 🙂


During surgery the doctor gives tissue to the pathologist while operating, If the margins are not clean, the Pathologist will tell the doctor, and the doctor will then cut deeper and send additional samples to be checked.

That’s one way they can know right after surgery that the margins are not clean.


@jayhall I know you have been on this site since you started this "adventure". Everybody makes their decisions for their own reasons but it sounds as if you are going to choose removal vs targeted radiation, if the cancer is contained to your prostate. If you don't mind the question, Why did you decide that removal was best for you?


I like you had my RP performed 1/27 My Gleason score was 9 grade 5. While My surgeon told me that he got clear margins, truth is he did not. The Pathology showed that I have a T3a that has invaded outside the prostate. I am working on restoring my continance 3 weeks post op with little success although I am trying to do the kegels. I feel as if I have no control over my voluntary urinary flow as if I am paralyzed but am told this is normal at this time. I am told to wait 45-90 days for a post op PSA to determine whether my levels are detectable or not. My problem is that my pre-op PSA was 2.4 and the PSMA pet scan pre RP showed no evidence of spread yet the Gleason 9 and my T3a suggests metastatic disease so I don’t know how a PSA blood test is going to guide further treatment since I am one of those prostate cancer patients that do not produce a lot of PSA as a marker so I plan to consult with GU oncologists that will think outside the box as I have the wait.

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Hey Mish, sorry about those results, but today’s treatment options turn a once lethal disease into a manageable chronic one.
You will probably be placed on ADT as you heal before undergoing salvage radiation. As you correctly point out, PSA does not supply a good basis for treatment in your case, so no matter how low your post-op PSA is, you cannot wait IMO for the magic .2 before initiating salvage treatment.
Also, be sure your RO is including the pelvic lymph nodes and not just the prostate bed - something like 35% of failed salvage rad. occurs in the nodes. Best


How interesting that we both got our RP done a day apart! Given that, though, how can you know he didn't get good margins so soon after surgery? In a span of ~2 weeks I would think it unlikely that the spread hadn't already happened prior. With Gleason 9 grade 5 that's pretty serious PC, the chance it spread seems like it would be high regardless of margins.

I attribute my continence to two things: the technique my surgeon used on my urethra and hammering my core and pelvic floor for three months religiously before surgery. I may have been fine regardless, but I hedged my bets.

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My surgeon told me that he got clean margins immediately after surgery. Obviously until the surgical pathology came back and showed he didn't get clean margins, I had hoped that he was correct but I now know that his statement was premature. My surgery was complicated by the fact that 3 months earlier i had laparoscopic inguinal hernia and umbilical hernia repaid with mesh so he could not take a chance and disrupt the mesh to do lymph node dissection. I know I need to be patient but it is hard not knowing what my future holds. I am struggling with the Kegel exercises and remain incontinent. I wish I could say after ~3 weeks I am seeing less incontinence but not the case. You were smart for hammering your core and pelvic floor before your surgery. I was not so smart. where was your RP performed? Mine was at Mayo in Phoenix.


Hey Mish, sorry about those results, but today’s treatment options turn a once lethal disease into a manageable chronic one.
You will probably be placed on ADT as you heal before undergoing salvage radiation. As you correctly point out, PSA does not supply a good basis for treatment in your case, so no matter how low your post-op PSA is, you cannot wait IMO for the magic .2 before initiating salvage treatment.
Also, be sure your RO is including the pelvic lymph nodes and not just the prostate bed - something like 35% of failed salvage rad. occurs in the nodes. Best

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Hey Phil
A quick question. Everyone says nothing can be done until I heal and I have to wait 90 days from surgery. Do you have any thoughts on exactly what is meant by "after you heal" Any reason that that ADT can't be considered 30 or 45 days post surgery? Any thoughts on this. Thanks Phil.


My surgeon told me that he got clean margins immediately after surgery. Obviously until the surgical pathology came back and showed he didn't get clean margins, I had hoped that he was correct but I now know that his statement was premature. My surgery was complicated by the fact that 3 months earlier i had laparoscopic inguinal hernia and umbilical hernia repaid with mesh so he could not take a chance and disrupt the mesh to do lymph node dissection. I know I need to be patient but it is hard not knowing what my future holds. I am struggling with the Kegel exercises and remain incontinent. I wish I could say after ~3 weeks I am seeing less incontinence but not the case. You were smart for hammering your core and pelvic floor before your surgery. I was not so smart. where was your RP performed? Mine was at Mayo in Phoenix.

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Mine was UCHealth in Highlands Ranch Colorado. My doctor was one of the first adopters of the DaVinci robot and is one of the top robotic surgeons in the country.

Interesting history: the same doctor used the same robot to remove my kidney and then used the same incisions from 2014 for my prostatectomy. So no new scars. I thought that was cool he could do that.

I do believe working hard on fitness and pelvic floor strength ahead of time was a game changer. For me I never even felt different and I don't feel as though I can hold my bladder for less time than before. Quite literally I can sense or detect no change whatsoever between pre and post op. I was prepared for the sensation of holding or releasing your bladder to be significantly different, but it hasn't been.

This is all to say that when you do regain continence and have a strong pelvic floor then you won't hardly even know anything happened. Keep working on the kegels!


Hey Phil
A quick question. Everyone says nothing can be done until I heal and I have to wait 90 days from surgery. Do you have any thoughts on exactly what is meant by "after you heal" Any reason that that ADT can't be considered 30 or 45 days post surgery? Any thoughts on this. Thanks Phil.

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It sounds like all this “let’s wait and see” advice is coming from your befuddled surgeon, right? Politics and bruised egos aside, you should be seen by a Radiation or Medical Oncologist Immediately to start ADT in my opinion as a layman.
Surgeons like to wait snd see since they don’t want their surgeries to be viewed as “failures” right off the bat. But with your aggressive G9 and a type of cancer that doesn’t really express a lot of PSA, by the time you reach the .2 level it might be too late.
I met a man whose PSA was 1.0 and he had a highly aggressive G10. So YES, you can go on ADT now and it will stop your cancer spread while you heal from the surgery. You DO have to heal for about 90 days before starting radiation but ADT is sometimes even started before surgery if a cancer is aggressive enough. I agree with you that you are wasting valuable time and should act rather than wait.


I'm sorry to welcome you to this terrible club. Be sure to start preparing for the future by getting into better shape, hammering your pelvic floor both through kegels and during workouts, lining up more doctors to get additional opinions and preparing yourself for recovery.

Because most of what you will read and hear will be mostly doom and gloom, I want to assure you that you can come out of the other end of this relatively intact. I got my prostate removed just over two weeks ago, zero ED, zero incontinence and I credit that to a skilled surgeon and spending three months physically preparing for life after prostate cancer.

You can do this, we all all here for you!

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Hello, I'm happy for you.
Can you share Kai Ge's exercise practice and exercise with me?


How interesting that we both got our RP done a day apart! Given that, though, how can you know he didn't get good margins so soon after surgery? In a span of ~2 weeks I would think it unlikely that the spread hadn't already happened prior. With Gleason 9 grade 5 that's pretty serious PC, the chance it spread seems like it would be high regardless of margins.

I attribute my continence to two things: the technique my surgeon used on my urethra and hammering my core and pelvic floor for three months religiously before surgery. I may have been fine regardless, but I hedged my bets.

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Can you tell me how your core exercises? Because I'm still incontinent after surgery, and I really want your guidance.

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