Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself
Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.
I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
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Is your neuropathy due to diabetes?
No, I'm not diabetic, although both of my parents were in their older years. My doctor checks my blood work twice a year, and so far so good.
Hi all! I'm Sheila and I have had 5 back surgeries with rods and fusion. In pain every day. On Percocet and eagerly awaiting the new med to be available Journvax
I'm 64 and medically retired.
Hi! My name is Leslie and I have advanced degenerative osteoarthritis that
is getting worse with age. I have had it for several years and the meds I took to control pain I no longer can take as they destroy your kidneys. I am deathly allergic to all narcotics. I cannot get relief and sleep is most difficult. I am 86 and active with a dog and walking, and playing games with him. If I could sleep better I would feel much better.
Hello everyone.
I have several neurological problems including dementia.
Polyneuropathy is painful at times as is the restless leg syndrome.
The worse of it right now is my back. Recent x-rays show my lower spine has arthritis and spondylitis. The pain can make me cry when I stand or walk a short distance. The only thing I can do to stop the pain is sit down. Sitting eases the pain almost immediately. I believe the pain is muscular.
My PCP sent me to a “pain doctor”. He wanted to give me shots in my back.
I told him that I believe it is muscular.
I’m being treated by the Movement Research Department of Banner Health because I have Function Tremors, Double Vision, and my balance is awful.
The back pain is awful to say the least.
My name is David. Right now very frustrated . I had Harrington Rods implanted in 1983. Up until 2018 did well with light pain. Now experience 10 + pain from the bottom of my rods shooting down both legs and more. Many MRIs and same ole diagnoses which were all wrong !! It was not until I did my own research that I learned there were hooks at the bottom of my rods that were becoming corroded ! They stopped implanting the hooks and few years later in the 80s knowing they were a big mistake. I was never contacted about this ans now 40 years of the hooks being fused over almost impossible to remove without causing more physical damage and less mobility I'm in my 70s now, had to retire from a career job I loved, Human Services, because of the pain, less mobility that gets worse every year from damaging hooks being placed at the bottom of my harrington rods. Just letting people know who had Harrington Rods infusion in the 80s and are experiencing horrible pain that most specialist are unaware of and keep diagnosing arthritis, ect to Google Harrington Rod hooks mistakenly implanted that will corrod unless caught early and removed that the only thing left is permanent pain management and losing mobility. Only in a extreme emergency should the hooks try to be removed after being fused over 20 years or more as very few are successful. Research all of it , do your own homework with advice from professionals and patients who are experiencing this hell. My anger in all of this is why didn't the University of Virginia Hospital contact me when they learned the hooks were a huge medical mistake to attach to harrington rods, as they had all my contact information. Probably worried about liability however I just wanted the future problem to be removed ! I have now went from a cane to a walker just to get to the bathroom when I wake up. Having to wait until my pain medication starts working . Every movement feels like a hammer to a kneecap in the morning. The strong pain medication only helps enough to at least get up and walk. Sorry this is so long but wanted to get it out, again if any of you have had Harrington rod fusion in the 80s double check to see if you had hooks attached to them ! If so and you have serious pain that gets worse can almost guarantee the corroding hooks are causing it regardless of what some are saying. Of course always double check with second opinions.