Hello @shiva8752
Welcome to the hood. I am a five year kidney transplant recipient. I am sorry you are having difficulty, right now. I remember 4 months out, feeling weak and a bit frightened. I wanted to get stronger, and my PT reminded me: first you have to heal, then you can strengthen.
Each of us has a different journey to transplant, but the common thread is, we were all in organ failure. Which means our bodies were stressed trying to keep us alive, and now they are working to heal from a traumatic surgery, while adjusting to some new medications. Add onto that, your body has had to fight an infection recently, and that means your healing is going to probably take a step backward before moving forward.
I did not have much of an appetite after surgery either, but protein is a necessity to healing, so I drank bone broth, had protein shakes. Not sure if that is an option for you, but just sharing. When healing, I had to lay around, a lot. But I would get up every hour and walk (with a walker when needed) for at least a few minutes. I did PT, too, and made sure I did the exercises twice a day. As soon as I was able, I walked outside. First, just down the driveway and back. Then added more. Then, I added gentle knee bends. I was shocked by how much muscle mass I had lost. I also had some nerve damage down my left leg, and would have to lift it in and out of my car for over a year. The great news is that nerves heal, and muscles can be rebuilt.
Once I felt strong enough, after 6 months, I returned to yoga, which helped with strength and flexibility. Balance was impossible, at first, because my transplant was an open transplant, which basically filleted my stomach muscles. It took a couple of years to rebuild them. After a year, I returned to the gym and nautilus equipment, which was helpful in rebuilding muscle mass.
I found healing and rebuilding strength and balance took a little longer than I wanted it to, because healing took a little longer than I had hoped for.
Sending you healing thoughts and compassion, Stephanie
Stephanie, thank you for your thoughts. I am 2 years out from my kidney transplant. I had no idea that it would take 2 years gradually to recover. Getting used to meds and making changes to meds and getting my body and mind slowly moving and staying in positivity more than negativity. The PT exercises really helped over time. But I had to get my mind around healing and do the mind work recovery required. My friend told me I was the only one who get my body out the front door to take better care of me. I had to start depression and anxiety meds to help and slowly I am feeling better with support and glad to be alive. Glad it took someone else like you to also take years to recover. Thanks. BB