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I only do it once a day per my doctors advice. I did it twice a day until about a year ago. It takes me between 30-40 minutes every morning. I’m finished by 6:15am with nebulizing and clearance. After that I move on to exercise at 7am and then to my normal, routine life. I eat three regular meals each day - mostly prepared at home except on weekends when we eat out more. I feel like my life is almost as normal as it was before diagnosis. I spend a lot of time with grandkids, family, friends and doing household chores.

I’ve always been a high energy person. For two years after I became sick my energy was extremely low and I felt like I was trudging through quick sand. Nothing was easy and I couldn’t keep up with normal life. Once I started nebulizing with saline ( thanks to this group), my health began to improve greatly and my energy returned.

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Replies to "I only do it once a day per my doctors advice. I did it twice a..."

So interesting how different it is for all of us with so many things including the BE and possible infections.
During my search for answers, after the diagnosis of BE 2022 and after the diagnosis of MAI 2023 my energy level has been the same, good.
I guess that to me tells me that it all depends upon how bad the BE and MAI is in each of us. I wonder?????
Just hope what I am doing for myself keeps the BE/MAI at bay and my energy level stays the same.
So glad and always great to hear those words from all..."much better."