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@staylorrn2000 I am going to give you the short version on steroid tapering. Please go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatic (PMR) Mayo Connect chat room to know that many people have problems getting off steroids. You can search the terms 'tapering', 'titrating', and 'adrenal insufficiency' to see multiple posts on this problem. Also google adrenal insufficiency and read creditable websites to better understand what is happening.
Short version - Your adrenal glands normally produce the steroids your body needs naturally. What happens is once you take them orally long term, which I understand means approximately two weeks or longer, the adrenal glands quit working. Waking them back up can be difficult for some people. This is most likely what you are experiencing. Rheumatologist deal with this routinely with their PMR patients. You may need a very slow taper, everyone is different.

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Replies to "@staylorrn2000 I am going to give you the short version on steroid tapering. Please go to..."

Thank you! I will definitely go to PMR chat room.