My journey with rectal cancer: What's your experience?

Posted by martin77 @martin77, Oct 28, 2022

Hello everyone. I live in the UK and was diagnosed with rectal cancer 2 weeks ago. Since then I've been fast tracked through our NHS system with an MRI scan, CT scan, and another MRI scan this coming Monday to check out a spot on my liver, followed by a meeting with a consultant.
I've been told the tumour is 6" inside from my anus. Can anyone inform me if this would be rated low, mid, or high up in the rectum? Thanks.
This is a great forum for exchanging information. Hats off to the Mayo Clinic!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Colorectal Cancer Support Group.


Hi Colleen. Good to hear from you. I'm doing fine thanks - fully recovered but having usual follow up scans / colonoscopy etc. So far so good and getting on with life. Lots of cycling, walking and skiing to come! All best. Martin

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Living life! Perfect answer. I love it.


I have just completed 12 cycles of Folfox-6 chemotherapy. Tumor downstaged from T3b to T1/2. Oncologist leaning toward radiation. Surgeon suggesting surgery, removing half of my rectum. I am 78 years old and my high priority is QOL over longevity. I would be very interested in the considerations and experiences of others who are or have been in similar situations.


From information given to me you tumor is in the mid section of your rectum.

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