4th Cranial Nerve Palsy, Double Vision

Posted by SusanEllen66 @SusanEllen66, Jan 25, 2022

I have 4th cranial nerve palsy because my eye surgeon damaged it during cataract surgery. I have double vision vertically when I look in certain directions.
There’s no cure,
Anyone else?

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I do. Mine started about two months after cataract surgery. When did yours? I read an article that said some people have a congenital weakness of the 4th cranial nerve that doesn’t show up until after cataract surgery. Have you seen other doctors? My double vision began when I had a headache for 4 days. My vision was blurry and then double vision began. I went to ER and had several tests and was referred to a neurologist who sent me for another MRI with contrast. I’m supposed to go back to neurologist in about 10 days to hear from the MRI. I was told my vision might get better on it’s own (it is better) and that it can be corrected with prisms in glasses in it doesn’t go away.


I have no idea what caused my double vision after cataract surgery. A neuropathologist thought it was because growing up I had unconsciously suppressed my left eye to prevent my double vision. Now I wonder. It only occurs when I turn my head to left or right when looking straight ahead.


I do. Mine started about two months after cataract surgery. When did yours? I read an article that said some people have a congenital weakness of the 4th cranial nerve that doesn’t show up until after cataract surgery. Have you seen other doctors? My double vision began when I had a headache for 4 days. My vision was blurry and then double vision began. I went to ER and had several tests and was referred to a neurologist who sent me for another MRI with contrast. I’m supposed to go back to neurologist in about 10 days to hear from the MRI. I was told my vision might get better on it’s own (it is better) and that it can be corrected with prisms in glasses in it doesn’t go away.

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Mine, as noted in previous comment, started immediately after cataract surgery.


Hello -
I'm new to this group. Had my final Eye exam today following corrective surgery to my left eye in Oct 2024. I have 4th Cranial nerve Diplopia, resulting from a young woman smashing into my car at 65 mph Nov 2023. TMI/Concussion, unconscious for 16 hours. The surgery did not work. My Eye Doc recommended a 2nd opinion - from a Neural Opthamalic MD who is a faculty member at Emory Univ. here in Atlanta.

Has anyone benefitted from a 2nd surgery, or alternative surgical approach? It's been 15 months. My Diplopia is bad in the left and bottom field of vision - about half of my vision field. Headaches/pre-nausea at times during each day. I'm feeling down and desperate, any experience or insight would be welcomed as to other surgical approaches, therapy, etc.



I use prisms in my affected eye. Mine came from a result of a cold virus attacking what was before a benign cyst on my 4th cranial nerve. Now it tends to flare and my prism strength fluctuates. Super annoying. I did vision therapy in the beginning stages and that was helpful for teaching my brain how to fuse two images. I found a functional chiropractor who was a good support for working with me on balance and vestibular issues. Surgery has not been recommended as of yet. For me, the palsy comes with occipital neuralgia pain in the back of my head at the base of my skull. Just last week I had new nerve pain sensations. I’m thinking it was trigeminal nerve because it affected my jaw line and chin/neck area on the same side as my 4th nerve palsy.

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