Is loss of balance your primary complaint with neuropathy ?
Is the loss of balance your primary complaint with PN? And, fear of falling?
I have no pain in my feet. I do have numbness of primarily my toes and forefoot, and to a lesser degree of the whole foot and ankles. My feet have weird sensations of walking on mashed potatoes and sliding sideways; when I haven’t actually moved at all. Scary. I claw at the air thinking I am falling. My toes are curled and they feel stuck together. Carpeting really adds to the sliding sensation.
I am a 73y old woman and, up until the last year, I volunteered with an animal rescue and walked on uneven cement dog runs, cleaning enclosures and feeding and walking dogs. Eight years 2-3 hours, several times a week. Retired nurse and never had a sit down job. Could walk for hours in DC, just exploring.
Now I have to hold onto something when walking or I feel like I am falling. Not going out as often. Sliding sensation is mostly at home on LVP flooring and carpeting on stairs. I wear slipper socks at home. Referred to a neurologist and saw him after a 3 month wait. He has great reviews. At first he was encouraging, sure that I had an inherited condition, which I was sure I did not. 2nd visit, after lab work, he attributed it to SFN related to metabolic syndrome. He had just attended a conference. He then added ALA to the B12 prescribed by my primary. He didn’t even know if ALA was over the counter, so he sent an Rx to my pharmacy. Said he would see me in a year. I felt dismissed. Never even looked at my feet. I did research, and now take R-ALA 300 mg twice a day and B12 2000 mcg once a day. Not sure if I have been taking the supplements long enough to notice a difference. Research led me to toe spacers, toe exercises, Hoka Clifton shoes, floor based foot massager, open toe compression foot socks, and Bengay at night; Bengay for discomfort but not pain when going to bed. Actually, I bought the Hoka shoes before the numbness started, because my balance felt off. They are the only shoe I can wear now. Starting today, I am experimenting with a Zero Sunrise shoes as opposed to slipper socks in the house, to increase feeling in my feet. I have a purchased a Bob and Brad massage gun, but have not opened the box yet.
I am thinking of asking for a referral to a podiatrist to actually have my feet seen and suggestions for improving balance.
I welcome your experience and suggestions for what has worked for you.
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Could you suggest a brand for the braces? Thank you.
If you look on Amazon they are a neoprene leaf spring semi rigid support brace for $44.99. They are easy to get on and off. I am working on a new AFO that fits on the outside of your shoe which Medicare will pay for. Will let you know the results after I try them.
I agree with you. Neurologists I have seen- three of them are clueless. If I mentioned advanced treatment of any kind, they say there is no scientific study to support anything for relief of the numbness I have. Balance is a big issue for me. I go to a physical therapist and that help . I use an ByAcre rolling walker. I am past the use of canes unless someone is there I can grab onto. I ordered the "earth" type of shoes. Waiting for them to arrive.
I too have this. As a result of SFN caused by Sjogren's Disease. According to my Drs. if you have SFN long enough the large fibers get effected, too. They are a part of your autonomic nervous system that tells your body where it is in space. The nerves exit the spine at the lumbar level and if there is any nerve pinching (and most of are old enough to have that) then it effects your balance. Interestingly, it causes no pain-just the balance issues. I don't know how long I've had SFN as it usally causes pain but I have none. Go figure. Took a while to figure this out. I take IvIg every 3 weeks and Retuximab twice a year and the positive results are very slow in coming. But they come and I am very determined to make it to 100.
I got neuropathy from chemo I had for breast cancer. I had to quit driving also because I can't feel the pedals. I've gotten some help from Voxxlife patches and an under the desk Pedaler.