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I have definitely read while researching and many times on this site that Effexor caused sweating. Oddly, at low dosages, it curtails sweating which is why many breast cancer patients who cannot take hormones are given Effexor when menopausal hot flashes start. (I was on 25mg for this very reason.)

In researching and on this site, I have also read about the "numbness" of feelings effect. This is cited many times as why someone wants off Effexor.

You are very fortunate to be working with a psychiatrist to get off Effexor. I have been unable to find one (I am in the DFW Metroplex!); I'd like to work with someone who has familiarity with these drugs and getting people on/off them. My oncologist has 35 years' experience and has put hundreds of women patients on Effexor, but I am the only one who has told him of having difficulties with Effexor withdrawal. He is working with me, but we're both newbies to this.

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Replies to "@jdemet I have definitely read while researching and many times on this site that Effexor caused..."

I would ask your oncologist to consult with colleagues. In a place as big as DFW, there is a lot of expertise...and my impression is that many oncology groups have psychiatrists and psychologists in the mix. If that doesn't work, what about seeking a referral from one of the local cancer groups?