Same experience here, as far as what I was told up front about the side effects of ADT. I was told about "man-o-pause" symptoms - hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, loss of muscle mass, mood swings, fatigue. But no mention of penile atrophy or shrinkage of testicles. I learned about that online (and through experience).
I have about 5-1/2 weeks left on a six-month course of Orgovyx. My testicles are half the size (or less than) they were before I started the ADT. I'm still able to get a half-way decent erection, with some manual stimulation - probably about 5" vs. about 6" before ADT. If that's the extent of it, I'm okay with that. Wife says "no big deal," and I think she's sincere in that.
Bought a vacuum pump after reading/seeing videos online from reputable sources (including Mayo) advocating "use it or lose it." I've used it maybe 20-30 times. It's uncomfortable and I just feel silly using it - so, no more.
Pleased to hear that some have seen reversal of these side effects after the end of ADT - fingers crossed!
One suggestion. If you aren't using daily generic Cialis, 5 mg, I would suggest you talk to your urologist about starting it. Dirt cheap now that the generic is available. Essentially no SE, and it does increase blood flow to the penis. Can't hurt.