My Echolight experience
I went for a REMS Echolight scan today. It's like a sonogram: the technician has a wand, and they put gel on you and rub the wand on it. You are on your back. For your spine, they rub the wand on your stomach, which is why they tell you to fast so that there's nothing in the way. Then the machine processes the analysis and prints out a pretty report showing where you are on the T-score chart, with red/orange/green bands so that you can see what zone you're in. It also provides L1/L2/L3/L4 scores, and assigns a five-year fragility risk.
I'm not sure what to make of the results. In January, my L1-thru-L4 T-scores were -3.2,-2.8,-2.8,-3.4. After eight months of Tymlos, this scan shows -2.3,-2.6,-1.7,-1.7. They said the scores tend to be a little better with Echolight since it assesses quality as well as density. So, I'm hoping I made some progress. I have another DEXA scheduled in January (same doctor, same machine.) We'll see what it says.
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That depends. If you are being treated for osteoporosis, i.e. you are on medication, Medicare will pay for more than one DEXA in a 12-month period. I've done it.
To my knowledge, REMS is not currently covered by insurance.
Hi everyone. Adding ot the list of experiences: I had one DEXA, a year ago, after fracturing my sacrum. The results scared me, as it showed at T-score of -4.0 for my spine (and -2.4 for my hip). FRAX 14% risk of fracture over 10 years.
I heard about Echolight REMS and had it done 6 months ago. The hip results were similar to DEXA but spine results we MUCH better (T score -1.5 and fracture risk of 1-2% over 5 years). I like that result a lot better!!!
I re-did REMS a few weeks ago to make sure the original results wasn't a fluke. The results we in the same ballpark as my first REMS test 5 months ago.
I have no way of knowing which result is correct (the terrible DEXA or the not-so-terrible REMS); however, I like that REMS tries to measure bone quality as well as bone mineral density. I also like that it's radiation free, so it can be done as frequently as I want to pay for it. I will have another DEXA in a year or two.
I've been told that neither DEXA nor REMS are standardized on "unusual" spines. This means that if you have past fractures, fusions, hardware etc, the readings may not be correct and the software may not know how to interpret it.
I'm in Vancouver BC. Scheduled for Echolight March 24. It will cost $195CAD.
I have osteoporosis in my spine and osteopenia in my hips. I have 4 years of DEXA scans 2021-2024, and considered stable BMD for both spine and hip. The spine remained at -3.2 and hip went from -2.0 in 2021 to -1.7 in 2024. I have attempted to take Alendronate 3 separate times for each year 2022-2024 and typically last for about 3-6 months and stop taking it due to my concerns with side effects. During this 4 year period, I have been going to Osteostrong.
In November 2024, I had an Echolight at Osteostrong. While my hip score was -2.0, my spine was very different with -0.9!
New to me April 2024 is lifting weights (while seated using machines), walking 3 miles almost every day, eating a Mediterranean diet, and improved vitamin supplements . I found a place an hour away where I can get a TBS score along with my DEXA. I will do this in April 2025 to see if the TBS is closer to Echolight.
I was "told" the Echolight is more accurate and the reading is done with AI analysis. I do not have a doctor that can interpret this report and continue to rely on my DEXA, but I hope the TBS will provide more information either way.
I to recently had my Echolight Rems scan and it was completely different than the Dexa Scan. I want to stick to the facts of what each showed, and then people who are interested, can make a decision that is best for them. I had the Dexa Scan 3 years ago and my scores were very bad. I was at a -3.3. Those scan revealed osteoporosis. At was very alarmed and scared at what I saw. I had the Reclast Infusion in September of last year. I was very sick and allergic to the shot. I had never heard of the Rem Scan until about 2 months ago. I made an appointment to have it done. I found that I was not in osteopenia, or osteoporosis. I was actually in the green zone. There are 3 zones, green, yellow and red. I was in the green for all scans. If this is correct, and it appears to be, I am not suffering from osteoporosis, as I was told 3 years ago. My thoughts on this moving forward, get both done, and have a period of about 6 months apart, and then make a decision about meds. If I had know this, I would not have had the Reclast infusion, but, I know where I am at now, and I will take measures to protect that. I have another scheduled in a year, but I am elated by the results.
Hello @christinagirardi, I noticed your post from Vancouver BC. live in the Fraser Valley and had an Echolight done in Calgary, Alberta last year. I searched again yesterday for Echolight services available near Vancouver, other than Buddy Osborne's service. I was delighted to see a new service starting up -- They are offered through UC Baby Clinics throughout the lower mainland and Fraser Valley at $174.00 CAD for first visit with online coupon or $50.00 off with a friend. They are still in the process of setting up. I have an appointment on February 24th.