How to cope with my 54-year-old daughter getting Stage 3 breast cancer
I have scheduled a session with a therapist, hopefully next week because I want to stay strong in front of my daughter(54). She and her grandson live in a nice addition we built on the back of our house, so she, grandson, husband and I are close but we have our own homes. We get to each other's homes either from the deck or through the garage. It works out very well. Her cancer is not good, an MRI showed two very,very miniscule spots, one on her rib and one on her arm.She's going for a bone scan later this week. My daughter is very stoic about it all, but I am falling apart inside.
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Hi Lisa,
As it turns out, she is stage 4, not 3. She is on a regimen of hormone therapy and is having an operation this week to replace her 4th vertabrae, which has been consumed by cancer. There are other suspicious spots, but none to this degree. What surprises us both is that she had none of the common complaints before she was diagnosed (no weight loss, no pain (not even in her neck!!!), no cough, etc. The oncologist was astounded that she was riding (over fences) the day before she saw her...which will be put on hold, at least until she gets the okay from the neck surgeon. It's going to be a long road, but we will carry on. I go to all of her appointments with her and we talk a fair amount about her treatment. I tell her every single day how much I love her and she returns the favor. We also hug a lot (we're a hugging family). Thanks for all your wisdom, it helps a lot. Hugs to you!
Hi Judy @judychurch, I'm hoping for the best possible outcome from her surgery, and treatments. You're right, it won't be an easy road, but she's fortunate to have you so close. Thinking of you both. Hugs.