Cdiff test negative while on Vancomycin

Posted by mavans10 @mavans10, 2 days ago

Anyone else have docs run cdiff toxin tests while actively taking Vancomycin? I’ve been battling cdiff for nearly 8 months on every drug made available to treat it. This is my 4th time on Vancomycin each time increasing in dosage length this one being a 10-week taper. Although the test came back negative for the toxin, I am still experiencing frequent and strong smelling stools often loose and up to 9-10 times per day.

My concern is whether running the stool test while on the vancomycin gives accurate results especially given the stools and colon/rectal issues with pain, gas, bloating, nausea and foul oder. For the past eight months every time I go off the meds the cdiff gets bad and tests are positive for the toxin so not convinced when I’m done with this round of meds it will truly be gone.

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My doc would not test until I had been off vancomycin for at least 10 days specifically because that drug would still be in my system and may not have accurate result.


My doc would not test until I had been off vancomycin for at least 10 days specifically because that drug would still be in my system and may not have accurate result.

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Thanks for your reply, that’s what I researched as well not confident in the results until I get a few weeks post meds.


I hope you get some good answers and relief very soon.


Test is for antibodies. They can last for a month after treatment.


Test is for antibodies. They can last for a month after treatment.

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A culture can see active disease. Antibodies are a residual product of your body fighting the disease

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