Has anyone heard of Kratom or tried it?
Doing a search with the word Kratom came up 0
Has anyone heard of KRATOM or better yet tried it?
I purchased a bottle of it about a year ago but after reading the words of people who do not believe in nonFDA approved medication it scared me.
Recently I watched a documentary about it that changed my mind.
There was only 24 pills so now I’m going to buy another bottle.
I think a bigger sample size is needed to know for sure about its effectiveness.
If anyone else has tried it I’d like to know
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I buy it over the internet and they do testing for chemicals and other things. Before ordering you can look at all the lab results before ordering. Super Speciosa
Hi Steven,
I also use it daily, but am always looking for ways to better improve the efficacy. Do you always use the same strain/vein? Or do you change periodically?
I too take kratom upon occasion - 3 or 4 grams, 2x/day, for days when I'm having breakthrough pain.
It is, IMHO the most effective thing for pain relief that I've tried, but I find myself jittery & constipated from it, so I only take it when absolutely needed, & usually follow-up with a Colace or 2.
I also know that I'm going to have difficulties going to bed at night if I've taken it during the day.
I personally use a powdered Red Vein Maeng-Da, & put it into size 00 caps - works out to just a smidge over a half gm. per capsule.