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Good Morning All!!!

I know that this site is for those who have gone off Effexor, in the process of going off or thinking about going off.
I fall into the category of thinking about going off...……….
The reason I went onto Effexor is because of anxiety that I have suffered with since I was a very young child. Over the last 4 1/2 years, my dosage has doubled. I had a couple of very stressful events in my life that put me into a tail spin.
Anyway, I am now at the max.
I am always tired, my memory is gone (from minute to minute), even with weight loss surgery, I have hit a brick wall and can't seem to lose much more, there is very little that interests me, I see a difference in my affect, etc.
My concern is once I get off the meds. I am terrified of having the anxiety attacks again (like before I even started the Effexor).
Have any of you started on a new and safer anti-anxiety medication? If so, when did you start it? Has it helped?

Thanks for all your sharing,
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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Replies to "Good Morning All!!! I know that this site is for those who have gone off Effexor,..."

Do you see a psychiatrist? I'm sure there must be some new drugs out there that could help you! Also, do you feel you're in a better place mentally right now then before you started the effexor? Have good coping mechanisms? All of those things are important to have in place to help with your anxiety. best of luck!!