Abnormal mammogram: architectural distortion and need a biopsy?
I had a screening mammogram that demonstrated architectural distortion on the right breast. I went for a diagnostic mammogram with persistent distortion. The ultrasound afterwards did not demonstrate any correlate, but they have recommended I get a biopsy. I’m confused by the results/recomendations, anybody with similar experience? Abnormal mammogram and normal ultrasound?
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I had a routine mammo that showed a suspicious area. I then had a diagnostic mammo and an US. US did not show anything, but diagnostic mammo conformed. I then had a mamo guided biopsy which confirmed DCIS with architectural distortion. That means the duct is "clogged"/so full that it is bulging.
You did not mention any other terms or DCIS. That was all the report indicated?
Have you gone ahead and had the biopsy? I haven't had your exact experience but do know firsthand how stressful testing and diagnostics can be. Fill us in a bit if you feel like it and tell us how you are doing.
Ultra sounds are not the best primary diagnostic…it is best used in conjunction with mammogram. Diagnostic mammogram is the gold standard test for breast cancer. Sometimes because of different structural conditions ultrasound is used to get a different view. I would absolutely get that biopsy.
Biopsies are easily completed in less than an hour, most of the time is spent prepping for the procedure. I did not have pain with my biopsies they are done under mammogram. And there is a good chance that what is in your duct is negative for cancer.
Please get the biopsy 🥰
My biopsy was life saving.
It is worth it.
Personally I would get the biopsy. It is a very minor procedure. Not to scare you but there are breast cancers that can show as architectural distortion without a "lump" or obvious mass. I think they say around 80% of biopsies are normal/benign, but its important to know what's going on. You could also ask for breast MRI - it can show things that a mammo or ultrasound can't see. The only way to really know though is to get the biopsy so they can look at the tissue, and as @susan7656 said, biopsies can be life saving sometimes.
I thought I commented earlier but maybe not. My august mammogram showed an architectural distortion. I think the term is often used with lobular cancer. The ultrasound did not show it. No correlation, but the second mammogram still picked it up, with a second radiologist reading it. I went for a stereotactic breast biopsy. You sit up and the needle takes a sample. It almost feels like a mammogram. The report was malignant and I've had surgery and 3 wks radiation. I'm very grateful to the first doctor who found that tiny ripple and sent him a thank you note! He saved me from more extensive surgery. My medical oncologist looked at the film and said, "I can't even see it." Exactly. Very tiny.