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Do you get psychotherapy or just a med consult from the psychiatrist? If the psychiatrist knows you well (through psychotherapy) - they will be in a much better position to tell you what their thinking is about the anxiety and where you might be once the taper is over. If you have a therapist that you work with, they will consult with the psychiatrist. I have both - but I've worked with the same therapist for many years - and the psychiatrist is a med consult - but they happen to share an office and the psychiatrist does a fair amount of psychotherapy as well - not all do. If you've just been taking meds and haven't done psychotherapy (currently or in the past for a period of time) - it might be worth asking the psychiatrist what they recommend.

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Replies to "Do you get psychotherapy or just a med consult from the psychiatrist? If the psychiatrist knows..."

Good Morning,
Thanks for your post. My story is a bit similar as far as the psychiatrist and therapist.
When I first began this drug about 15 or 20 years ago, it began with me seeing a therapist.
My therapist suggested I see a psychiatrist to help get me on meds.
For the convenience, I used the one who had an office in the same building as the therapist.
She didn't have much of a personality. She'd ask me questions while her back was facing me and typed everything I said.
The way I felt at the time, is that I just wanted her to give me something for the horrible anxiety.
Since then, I have moved and I had to find a new psychiatrist and therapist.
I found the psychiatrist. She seems to know me pretty well since I see her every 6 months to have my prescription refilled.
I found a great therapist, but he is far away. I origanally started with him as part of my pain management, but it bacme much more.
He is almost 2 hours away so I've stopped seeing him.
I might start to look for someone closer to home since I am no longer going for the pain managment.
I do know for sure, I am looking for a new psychiatrist since mine is leaving.
This time, someone closer to home who can help me when I start to come off the Effexor.

Have a great day!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

Hi, yes - i do get psychotherapy and have been going to her for a few years now. She agreed that i was in a good place to start to taper off of the effexor. so fingers crossed!