← Return to Lung cancer stage 4: Anyone's spouse refuse to help themselves?

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Thank you! I think you are going to be okay and will get through all this just fine. It seems the closer people get to their end, the more they rest and sleep. This is where my brother is now with my sister. He no longer is having the intense pain he had from the radiation as things have been healing from that treatment which is good. I pray that everyone has an easy time of it moving forward. I think your husband has been popping pills and smoking tons due to his own stress and pain and that soon he will ease up on all that. I wish you the best as this is hard, being a caregiver. Do good things for yourself. Important! Oh - I found out that my direct paternal line is filled with guys who preferred business and other community activities and were not really interested in having families or family life. Seems I got some of that mentality as I selected having a career life and being free of constraints like kids and mortgages. Was it an inherited trait - who knows but interesting! LOL. Have fun and with your husband too - I am sure he needs more joy in his life too. Best to you and him!

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Replies to "Thank you! I think you are going to be okay and will get through all this..."

Good Morning. Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your post. The last few days have been busy and yesterday was a horrible day. My husband was acting like a raving lunatic because he was having anxiety attacks. He was sobbing, shaking and he was screaming at me because I mentioned prayer for him. Told me to get away from him so I did. I left the room. I also was crying and did not know what to do. I called a priest as my husband is catholic but never a practicing one. I am methodist. Then I called Hospice to alert them of his behavior. The priest came out to give him his last rites. Joe seemed to quiet down at that time (of course, I had given him 3 of my own xanax). Hopsice did return my call and they said they would up his xanax. They told me that the next time he acts like this, I am to call them asap. He knows he is dying and he is angry and scared at the same time. I would be scared too. Then again, maybe he was in withdrawal because he was also out of his pain meds. He is an addict, I think I told you, and his meds have been cut way down since hospice found out about his overdose in september of last year. They have to protect their butt and I understand that. But if he makes them angry and/or tells them not to come back, he will have no one to give him pain meds. HIs pcp said she would never give him pain meds again because of all the times he lied to her. But if that happened, he would turn to street drugs. He is from a bad part of Pittsburgh and still has friends there that would get him whatever he needs. My Bells Palsy will never get better due to all this stress. This isn't the nicest thing to say but I wish the Lord would take him quickly and without any more suffering. Sorry for being so morbid today but yesterday just wore me out. I am sure you and your sister would understand. Have a good day.