← Return to Lung cancer stage 4: Anyone's spouse refuse to help themselves?

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Thanks for the suggestion of asking my sons. My youngest son is not working now. He does construction work and is very irresponsible. Lets just say that every gray hair I have came from him. My older son does help me alot as far as fixing my car, etc., and helping fix things around the house. He is a great kid. I just talked to my pcp and told her about my choking. She used to be my husband's pcp until he over dosed on his meds. She told him that she would never give him a pain med again. She was so angry with him. Anyhow, she said, "I hate to beat a dead horse, but I think most of these health problems that you are having now are stemming from the stress you are dealing with." I feel like such a wuss because I know that I don't have to deal with things like other caregivers do. Your sister for instance, I am sure has a much more stressful job of caring for your brother than I do caring for Joe. But I know there will come a day when I will be doing much much for him. It is so hard to watch someone you love suffer day by day. but he isn't suffering as much as your other people including your brother. Prayers for all of you. Have a great rest of your day.

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Replies to "Thanks for the suggestion of asking my sons. My youngest son is not working now. He..."

Thank you! I think you are going to be okay and will get through all this just fine. It seems the closer people get to their end, the more they rest and sleep. This is where my brother is now with my sister. He no longer is having the intense pain he had from the radiation as things have been healing from that treatment which is good. I pray that everyone has an easy time of it moving forward. I think your husband has been popping pills and smoking tons due to his own stress and pain and that soon he will ease up on all that. I wish you the best as this is hard, being a caregiver. Do good things for yourself. Important! Oh - I found out that my direct paternal line is filled with guys who preferred business and other community activities and were not really interested in having families or family life. Seems I got some of that mentality as I selected having a career life and being free of constraints like kids and mortgages. Was it an inherited trait - who knows but interesting! LOL. Have fun and with your husband too - I am sure he needs more joy in his life too. Best to you and him!