Any experiences with HIFU localized ablation for prostate cancer?
I am interested in anyone who has had this treatment for well-localized cancer in the prostate and what their experience was/is.
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Is Proton therapy available in Jacksonville? What other prostate treatments do you offer at the Jacksonville location
Thank you,
Similar results here. 66 Yrs old, Had Gleason 7, (4+3) PSA near 14. After Hi-Fu, PSA only dropped and stayed at 8 for about a year. Gradually rising again to 10. Changed Dr., PSMA was ordered and revealed missed treatment areas and cancer returning to Hi-Fu treated as well. Decided on Radiation (28) and ADT treatment (4mths). PSA now 0.03 for nine mths. I believe Hi-Fu is a crap shoot hardly worth the time and pain. Thanks and Good Luck to everyonr
@buzzliteyear, proton beam therapy is currently available at Mayo Clinic in Arizona and Minnesota.
Mayo Clinic's proton beam facility at the Jacksonville campus is currently under construction. The Jacksonville, Florida proton beam facility will open in 2026.
If proton beam therapy is recommended by Mayo experts, then the team can work with University of Florida department or Florida patients can choose to have proton beam therapy at the Rochester, Minnesota campus.
@jc76, can share his experience of coordinating care between Mayo Clinic Jacksonville and getting proton beam therapy.
First an apology for my very slow response. Lots of distractions and less focus.
I believe that my 5 proton beam treatments were pencil beam. (I’m not sure if there is a distinction between pencil beam and SBRT.) Short term I had some urethra irritation after treatment 2 and switched to taking flomax (which I still take). I think there may have been some minor irritation to my bowel.
My therapy also included a 4 month ADT shot. I really didn’t know of the need to work out during ADT to try to retain muscle mass. But, I went thru’ ADT in the middle of the pandemic, so there were other factors.
Long term: I just had my periodic blood draw sent to Mayo and my PSA remains less than .10 (essentially undetectable). So, even at five years I think of myself as “in remission” but not ‘cured’.
I hope that helps a little…
What HIFU procedure did you have and at what medical facility please?
Hello, I had Hi-Fu surgery at University of Chicago medicine. Hi-Fu treats the prostate from the outside of the prostate . Tulsa Pro was offered to me about one and a half years later as a new attempt to reach areas missed from the initial Hi-Fu. Tulsa pro enters the prostate and treats it from the inside out. My argument was even the areas treated with Hi-Fu showed up as returning cancer in the PSMA scan that I had done at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago. That is why I questioned the whole Hi-Fu procedures effectiveness. It just didn't work for me. On a case by case it may work for others. I chose it knowing I only had about a 60% chance ( Dr. quote) of success, as it seemed to be the easiest recovery and least invasive. Ultimately had to undergo SBRT for 27-8 visits along with a hated 4 mth ADT shot. Good Luck to you....
@colleenyoung, I hope you can answer a question for me. As I research possible treatments for localized intermediate (favorable) PC, I am leaning toward one of three options (Brachytherapy, Cyberknife, or Proton Beam). However, after searching the website, I am unable to determine if all three treatments are available in Jacksonville. Can you clarify if each of these are available at the Florida campus?
Thank you