Supplement for Constipation

Posted by buddyboy @buddyboy, May 22, 2023

Is the supplement, EMMA, that allegedly helps with constipation, safe?

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I also have a tortuous redundant colon and it's interesting that your GI told you to eat a high fiber diet and Metamucil each day. My GI said no Metamucil, take Miralax. I have also been doing some reading and read that for this colon issue, not to eat high fiber or take Metamucil, that the fiber and Metamucil will only bulk up the stool in the colon making it harder to pass through and make constipation worse. It is really confusing, all the conflicting information that is out there but I think it's great that it works for you. Everyone is different and there isn't a one size fits all remedy. I'm going to keep this on the radar!

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Also have redundant colon. I am staying away from Metamcil, but have added some fiber through fruit and veggies, but carefully. I too believe the elongated colon makes it difficult to process raw veggies and sometimes heavy meat- laden dishes. I made a low fodmap chili recipe this week that called for 2 pounds of meat. I ate a small portion, but stomach issues for 2 days after.


Also try an anti- anxiety. My NP suggested Zoloft and I think it's helped.


For those of us that have been dealing with constipation for a long period of time: we must accept that sometimes ANXIETY plays a role. Oh, not easy to accept that emotions are part of the issue m.."we are constipated, not NUTS" beware of your attempts to SOOTHE the ANXIETY, use natural products, no BOOZE. In today's world there is far too much terrible news to cause ANXIETY...your just trying to move along in life. Stay with natural for me.

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Any suggestions to help naturally with anxiety?


You're right, but when you haven't gone for 3-5-5 days, ya gotta do something!
Also, I'm brand new to this group. I saw someone said 2 teaspoons of.. baking soda or baking powder.. and I can't find it. Just don't know how to maneuver,or go back, but could you tell me if you know? Much appreciated! Deb

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It's baking soda, but I haven't tried it yet.
From years of discomfort with constipation etc, I can tell you that this isn't a quick fix issue. But hey, life is to be enjoyed so we must approach this rationally with caution. For starters I am in favor of Senna tea. It is found in many laxative pills etc. Warning: when I take the tea, adding honey if you wish, depending on what I recently enjoyed eating, such as meat, then I let the tea "seep" for about 10-15 minutes, but after using for some time, about 5 minutes will do it. "IT" MEANING 7 TRIPS to the bowl within an hour. Again, careful it's a natural product widely produced in many forms, but i don't use it too consecutively. As for me, maybe once a week. I DO NOT USE ANY PRODUCT, IE: prune juice, prunes, fruits vegetables etc for more than one week straight. First time using Senna tea caused me mild cramps, sweating, but short term. I expect it, and it passes quickly.
Medical folks are working very hard for a certain fix, but it has come yet. Metamucil, Citracell doesn't work for me. My experience with natural herbs started 40 years ago with an Herbalist expert from China. Western herbalists don't "get it" in my opinion, if you have access to a visit in person to a Chinese Herbalist, you may try it...I have for other digestive problems and it works.
Some one suggested Zoloft. I researched; Zoloft MAY bring SUICIDAL thanks. See, that's why i stay with natural products. I am not responsible for offering any medical advice, just offering my personal experience(s) be well.


Agreed Deb. I've resorted to Mag C and though the price was high, it was worth it. Don't know about baking soda or powder so hoping someone else does.

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I forgot to mention that ANY laxative-type that I take, I take before bed time.
And of course always continue to drink plain water,usually tepid.


Does anyone have a diet to follow for redundant/ tortuous colon


Does anyone have a diet to follow for redundant/ tortuous colon

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Hello @caramac and welcome to Mayo Connect. On Connect, members have discussed eating plans that help with a redundant/tortuous colon. Here are links to those discussions:
What type of eating plan works best for your symptoms< @caramac?


Hello @caramac and welcome to Mayo Connect. On Connect, members have discussed eating plans that help with a redundant/tortuous colon. Here are links to those discussions:
What type of eating plan works best for your symptoms< @caramac?

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Hi everyone so sorry if you are suffering from this awful condition my heart goes out to you all.
Eating plan for my tortuous colon with loops trasverse and sigmoid.
Breakfast/ is Rice or Gluten free cornflake and almond milk occasionally dairy
Also papaya or kiwi although some days i do not have the fruit if i feel backed up .
Lunch is generally / Gluten free crispbread and ham sometimes cheese spread and ham .
Activia yoghurt sometimes with Chai seeds or flax .
I also take cosmocol in the mornings.
Tea time or Dinner time
Usually Chicken or Fish with jacket potato or mash sometimes other meats.
Well cooked veg mainly Swede which i find good and carrots.
Sometimes well cooked broccoli or cauliflower with stalks removed and tablespoon of Olive oil .
Again have a yogurt or something light .
Very boring but i keep it light not heavy .
Snack Gluten free biscuits or Crackers and peanut butter.
I take movicol after dinner and triple mag by vital nutrients 2 capsules at night but might move up to three soon .
Drink apple juice and juice celery at times sometimes prune but as i have rashes avoid to much histamine.
Take Vitamin b complex plus Vitamin D and b 13
Am going to start on Vitamin C soon .
Alflorex dual probiotic for bloating and gas .
Struggle daily and get excruciating pain sometimes in my lower abdomen as my transverse has shifted to this area.
Have low rise mucosal prolapse amongst other things.
Had a sibo test kit for over a year but still cannot do it as they want me off laxatives and it is not possible .
I endended up in hospital last May as i was so ill and quickly lost 3 stone which i am trying to gain back.
I drink supplement drinks to keep me built up they are called
Fortisip and helped me so much.
Also use Navina Smart irrigation at times .
I sometimes eat a little bowl of maltesars although should no really but life is so restricted.
Good Luck to everyone xx


Aoe Vera gel a small glass full or how much it takes just before you go to bed.
Lily of the Desert - Inner Fillet

Some supermarkets carry the Aloe Vera leaves. You have to remove the green outer part of the leaf. Take a paper towel & remove the slimy latex and eat a good size piece just before bed. I have done both with great results.

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