Elevating my head in bed helps my Neuropathy in my feet
I have tried many different meds, creams, etc. to deal with the PN in my feet, all with very mixed results. I think we all know by now that there is no magic bullet. What helps me may not help anyone else and visa versa.
I am relatively fortunate as my PN doesn't really bother me during the day very much but experience the pain when I go to bed and try to go to sleep. With this in mind I decided to experiment with elevating my head in bed (I have an adjustable bed, but assume building up with pillows, etc. would also work). This has really helped me so far experiencing very little pain over the past week. I hope it is not just a fluke, but I am excited as most of my attempts at a solution for my PN has only showed me only what makes it worse.
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Did elevating your feet work. I am thinking of getting an adjustable bed.