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One more thing I want to share. For mental and state of mind relief, my sister and I found the perfect escapist way to offset our worries about our brother. We put together our family tree. Seriously - what an enterprise this has been. The things we have learned about our family and our history especially in England (where there are tons of records). And in early America! Oh la la! We both also did our DNA and have confirmed the trees and learned we have tons of cousins out there all over the country and in Canada. I put the trees into powerpoint reports, with pictures of the places and made the life stories of everyone - this way we get to know who they were and what they did. I sent these reports out to my cousins and they were shocked as no one of us knew anything about our great great grandparents and what they did, etc. One great grandfather was in the Revolutionary War in battles from Bunker Hill to Yorktown so we also read all about these battles too. It's very fulfilling. Doing work like that takes you back to the 1600s and 1700s etc. It has been a balm to our minds. Best to you - let's hope for the best for our two men in our lives. PS - your mom may have some good insights to share about your family! Stay happy!

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Replies to "One more thing I want to share. For mental and state of mind relief, my sister..."

Thanks for sharing how you and your sister are doing your family tree. Years ago, I joined ancestry.com and began doing mine, but after awhile, I quit. I did find some interesting things about both sides of the family. Not to poor mouth, I just don't have the money to do that again-at least right now. I had to quit my part time job so I could stay at home with my husband. I miss that extra money right now. My husband has now been overdrawn the last two months because he forgets to write everything down that he spends. Most of his extra money is spent on cigarettes. It would really help me if he would pitch in on paying the household bills but he does not. Well, he does pay for the cable, the oil, and the garbage. He is also paying monthly on the bill for our new furnace, air conditioner and well pump. I pay the mortgage, electric, homeowners insurance and all the taxes. When he is done paying his bills, he usually has around 900 dollars left for the month. I have about 400. And I am the one that buys the groceries, toliet paper, paper towels and all the other household stuff. I also am the one who gets the birthday gifts for the boys and all the christmas presents etc,. When I was working part time, it was doable, but now, it is so hard. He sent me to the store yesterday to buy him 12 packs of cigarettes. Gave me a credit card to use. Well, his credit card did not have enough credit on it for what he wanted and it was declined. so I spent over 100 dollars to buy him his cigarettes. He gets his ssd on next wednesday and I told him that he has to pay me back plus. Thank God for my mom. She is able to help me if I need it. I hate to ask her, but sometimes I have to. I am going to be 70 next month and it makes me angry that I still have to borrow money from her when Joe could be helping me more, Oh, well. Enough of that. Now I am dealing with bells palsy and I need to make an appt with a ENT. Within the last week, I have had two episodes where I choked on tea and was gasping for air before I could finally start to cough and get my breath back. Neither time did Joe come in and check on me. I thought I would die before I began coughing. When I began to cough, I knew I finally was getting air into my lungs. So I am going to go see an ENT. I don't know if if is a complication from the bells palsy or if something else is going on. When it rains, it pours. Thanks for letting me vent. I don't have a sister only two brothers. It is nice that you and your sister have a good relationship. How far away do you live from each other? My brothers and I all live in PA within a half hour of each other and my mom lives right up my driveway. Have a great day and I pray and hope your brother has a good day, too. And also your sister.