Having some support right now is really important so I’m relieved to see you live at home. Built in support team! ☺️
You definitely can add some exercises to your daily activities. I found it to be really helpful when I went through chemo. It made me feel better to be active. I walked daily, lifted small weights and used stretch bands to keep my muscle mass healthy. Though I will admit there some days it was a challenge to even get out of bed! So pace yourself and keep things slow to moderate. Your body will tell you when to rest. But any exercise is good!
I found this article was an interesting read about the benefits of sticking with exercise while going through chemo. https://www.healthline.com/health/cancer/is-it-ok-to-exercise-during-chemotherapy#tips
As for your diet, of course healthy foods are optimum, but if you’re hungry for KFC or Dominoes, I’d say go for it! Sometimes we need comfort food. I would avoid too much grease or hot/spicy foods though. Chemo can be a bit rough on the intestinal tract. If you have any signs of diarrhea or stomach pain, let your cancer team know. Those are times you’ll want to avoid less healthy foods. But occasionally, it’s ok to cheat on food. ☺️ Also, one thing you can add to your daily diet to help improve your gut health is non-fat Greek yogurt with live cultures.
A word of caution if you’re eating out at a restaurant. Keep in mind that your immune system will be weak while you’re on chemo. So mask up in public settings or gatherings of family and friends. It’s good to avoid close contact with people who are ill. But it’s also important for you to try to keep as much normalcy in your life as possible…though nothing feels normal right now, does it?
What have you decided about continuing with college right now?
well actually i havent came up with the decision rn but for whats most important ill do take my rest of a period of 6 months till my chemo is over , but would ask them if it could be possible for them to provide me a way of taking it online from home or if theres another way so i can keep up with my studies, but for now i have joined a virtual internship like its just for a time period of one month so atleast i could keep myself busy till then .