Wow, that could be significant exposure to irritants - especiallyifit is blown in fiberglass. What it means for you in the short and long term will be a topic for discussion with your doctor.
Be sure to bag some of the insulation now, so I there should be disputes in the future, you have proof of what was in your attic. Also make sure the heating company has documented the separation. If they took pictures, try to get copies.
If I were in this situation, I would demand a thorough duct cleaning on their dime, but by an independent company, and if you doctor recommends it a full cleaning of all other soft furnishings and upholstery, carpet cleaning, maybe even walls and ceilings.
Next, make sure anyone living with you gets checked out too - early exposure to irritating substances can set kids up for lifelong lung problems.
Will you let us know how this works out?
Yes I will post back what I find out from my doctor. Also the heating company is the one who caused the separation from cleaning my ducts after the furnace was installed. They are liable and scheduled a free cleaning and new filter at no cost. I have a lot of clean up to do which I am sure they will not pay for. As for others in the home, it is just myself and three dogs.