← Return to 3 ankle surgurys, still can’t walk might be central cenzitiation

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@mlemon64 Welcome to Connect. Yes, it is hard at 3 months when you have not been able to weight bear on your foot, and your muscles and scar tissue are very tight. I think the swelling is going to go on for awhile, perhaps a few years. It is a normal response after a bad injury as the body tries to protect itself. I am no spring chicken myself, and I had swelling for a few years after an ankle fracture. Now that I am 4 years past it, my ankle isn't swollen with normal use, but if I exert myself hiking, it will swell just slightly the next day. It's only perceptible because if I tap on my ankle, I can make it tingle. It doesn't really look different or affect wearing a shoe.

You might be interested in my responses in this discussion on swelling where I described my recovery and a current update. There is hope for you, but it takes time, and lots more time than you expect. Myofascial release with a good physical therapist helps a lot, but only after you are cleared for tissue stretching by your surgeon. I will include that discussion as well.

Bones, Joints & Muscles - "How can I reduce swelling after surgery?"
Neuropathy - "Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain"
Ankle injuries are difficult recoveries and very painful. It takes patience, and recovery comes in baby steps. Make sure to celebrate those small victories and keep believing you'll get there. As tension and pain crops up periodically, I do physical therapy stretching that my physical therapist taught me to relieve the uneven tension which stops the pain, and I walk without pain again. My surgeon promised me a future that likely includes an ankle replacement because arthritis sets in right after a serious injury. I took that to be a personal challenge to see if I can prevent it and keep my ankle functional. I also got custom orthotics made by my podiatrist.

Have you heard of myofascial release before?

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Replies to "@mlemon64 Welcome to Connect. Yes, it is hard at 3 months when you have not been..."

Yes I have, and i went for sessions when I was rehabbing a knee injury, along with some Graston Techniques…..it was very painful, but definitely helped. I have been getting some of that stretching in my PT sessions, but very imited in these early stages…… I appreciate your feedback, thanks