How serious is a Chrons Disease diagnosis

Posted by marion49 @marion49, Nov 17, 2024

Landed in ER with a abdominal issues, after scans and morphine, they sent me Gastro Doc. Had a colonoscopy and upper GI endoscopy the findings were Chrons Disease. Doc flat out told me the only help would be Infusions, Self Injections, or Meds that would play havoc on my autoimmune system, which is already compromised. I told him those 3 conditions were not an option for me. He flat out said I would DIE if I didn't take something. I think his "presentation" scared me more than the diagnose. I'm trying to see another gastro, but it take months to get in. I was able to schedule appt with GI Surgeon asap, read that there were surgeries that are minimally invasive to treat Chrons. Bottom line, I feel like I was handed a death sentence, but after reading on group discussions that people have lived with this for years, maybe there is hope?? I am a 75 year old female, if I can get 10 (maybe 15, I have grandkids I want to watch grow) comfortable years, I am good!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Digestive Health Support Group.


Hello @marion49 and welcome to the Digestive Health support group on Mayo Connect. I'm sorry to hear of the difficult decision you are facing regarding the recent diagnosis of Crohns Disease. I found a discussion group on Connect that might be helpful to you. Here is the link,
--Diagnosed with Crohns at an older age
In this discussion you will meet @catherine1290 and @lucismith. Please feel free to post to either of these members directly and ask questions about their treatment decisions and health issues.

What is the most troublesome symptom you are dealing with right now? How long will it be until you can get a second opinion from a different doctor?

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Teresa, Volunteer Mentor, sorry for delayed response. Still trying to figure out this chat site. Only side effect I have been experiencing is constipation, which has always been an issue for me. What's interesting is my 2022 colonoscopy showed nothing, then after my first ever flare up last June 2024, all of the sudden I have Chrons? Have not had a flare up since. BTW, finally got to see a new gastro for a 2nd opinion and she said I had chronic constipation and not Chrons. I was so relieved. But then she ordered 3 more separate tests, and called to let me know I do in fact have Chrons. Its been a bit of a merry go round for me. I'm a bit overwhelmed and still trying to figure out what I want to do.


Teresa, Volunteer Mentor, sorry for delayed response. Still trying to figure out this chat site. Only side effect I have been experiencing is constipation, which has always been an issue for me. What's interesting is my 2022 colonoscopy showed nothing, then after my first ever flare up last June 2024, all of the sudden I have Chrons? Have not had a flare up since. BTW, finally got to see a new gastro for a 2nd opinion and she said I had chronic constipation and not Chrons. I was so relieved. But then she ordered 3 more separate tests, and called to let me know I do in fact have Chrons. Its been a bit of a merry go round for me. I'm a bit overwhelmed and still trying to figure out what I want to do.

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Hope you get good answer/direction, It can be hard to find doctor that is well versed in Crohn's & U.C.
I have been in remission for 40 plus years and now crohn's has showed up.
I was told by a Mayo doctor I should get on med sooner than later, He put me on Skyrizi, and has brought my crohn's markers down to very close to normal.
Take care


I was diagnosed with Crohn`s 25 years ago. If Crohn`s is left untreated, the complications can be severe. This disease affects your whole body, not only your colon. I tried many medications, some side effects were very unpleasant. I have been on the same medicine for the last 15 years, it is keeping the disease on remission , but I always have symptoms. My diet is very strict, I exercise everyday and stick with my treatment .You need to work with your GI doctor and a nutritionist. Crohn`s is different for everybody. You need to learn what are your triggers for flares up (food, stress, environment...) .Crohn`s has affected my spine (lack of nutrients and minerals). I have several spine fractures that required surgery. My suggestions for you is to be proactive and take all the steps to keep the disease under control . Also is a good idea to join: Crohn`s and Colitis Foundation. GOO LUCK!

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