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Hi Jake. Lucky me???? Lol. The only med I presently take is Lipitor for high cholestorol. Only 10 mg’s. Man I sure feel off today. Head feel spaced out and stomach is upset. Guess its just one of them days. Had a crappy sleep last nite too which seems to be the norm these days. Took a 25 mg Benadryl to help with sleep but guess that didnt work. Have a great day.

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Replies to "Hi Jake. Lucky me???? Lol. The only med I presently take is Lipitor for high cholestorol...."


Okay so maybe I was the lucky one.
My unprofessional guess boils down to possibly titrating down to quickly or maybe having rebound depression or anxiety.
Any chance??? Or do I need to rip up my diploma???

Hey Jake. Not sure about that. My Dr tells me I have either. New Dr that is. She says I may have social anxiety. I dont get out of the house enough. So I plan on doing more of that. I will try and get out daily. These side effects can be almost crippling. I have had anxious moments. A result of thinking stuff like will this get better. I have gotten some CBT oil capsules today. They are supposed to help a lot with the zaps and anxiety. I have been doing a lot of reading also. Just hoping and looking forward to feeling normal again. Take care. And keep ur diploma. Lol.

jake. I’m also going through the gammit of withdrawal symptoms. Right now its flu like feelings. My sleep patterns are horrible. The zaps arent as bad as they were but are still there. Even had some weird feelings in my hands but it doesnt last long. So lets just hope its withdrawal and nothing else. Have a great evening