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Here we go. Day 298. My next Bone Marrow Biopsy will be schedule on my next visit February 14th. 365 days. I love the way it gets done right on time!!!!! I will make sure to ask for my favorite PA for the procedure. I was asked if i was ok coming thereon Valentines Day!! Sure. It means i am taking a valentines treat for all!! The new "Hope Plaza" is opening at City of Hope. Our bottom Floor women's center will be there, Hematology, the Pharmacy, VAD, blood draw, scan machines and so much more.

My PA is thrilled with all my numbers. My CMV result does not come till Monday or Tuesday, but she said no worries. Another pill is used. My liver number went to normal after starting the Ursodiol again. All other blood numbers very good. It was 2 weeks since my last blood test. Creatinine was .76. Whew. Plenty of water as i try for 80 plus oz. a day. This is what they love seeing. I look at my blood numbers and go right to the big C #. If it remains over 100, I have to drink the orange Mepron. YUCK!!!! I am drinking water. I do not ever want to drink that stuff again.
I did tell her there was one problem. Hannah said I look GREAT!!!
Quantitative immunoglobulins. - Love these medical names. This number was just about at the lowest desired. This number was the highest I have had. That is why she was not bugged by my lower neutrophils. She asked if I felt run down or had sniffles or anything. That is a cause for those to come down.

There is a "Library" with every disease the hospital treats. Spanish and English. That is the room the Notary meets you if you need one. It has been the VAD waiting room and more. I went through it and asked the young lady if she gets to more to the new building. No, she does not, and she says she does feel disappointed as all the people walk by with the boxes for their new offices. I told her I will stroll through as i walk from the new building through hers to my favorite cafe. I hope others do too. The floor that had way too much along with the emergency also called the ECT may be taking up much of that floor in the future. The care at City of Hope gets better all the time.
Catching up to the Mayo Clinic. The west coast best in the west.

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Replies to "Here we go. Day 298. My next Bone Marrow Biopsy will be schedule on my next..."

Kat, your updates always bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart for your continued success. You are a BMT team’s dream patient with your willingness to adhere to their guidance, suggestions, and expectations. ☺️ Isn’t it amazing how your team becomes such a huge part of your family? There is a bond that develops when you work that closely with someone who has saved your life.

We’ve been hanging out together for over a year! And I’m always blown away with your positive, ‘can-do’ spirit of making things happen. This was not an easy journey for you with the early logistics of getting the necessities lined up for the transplant. But you knew it had to be done and you made it work! Now you’re instrumental in helping newbies navigate along their own path through a SCT. 😍

I’m so happy for you that you’re coming up on your first Re-birthday! It will be a time for ‘cell’-ebration. Giggle.

Day 298...@katgob, I'm smiling! 😊

(To others reading this post, only @katgob will know what I mean.)